Chapter Twenty Five {Final Chapter - Part Two}

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I looked at him directly into the eyes, I wouldn't have done that before, when I was afraid of him. But now I'm not afraid so I didn't even moved an inch.

"Please, Chloe, take a seat." He says, also signaling Mark to leave, I noticed because the door closed with a click, great now I was trapped with this psycho.

"I want to go." I say, folding my arms over my chest, to be honest I was kinda afraid of him, but not because of him him, no. I was afraid that I was in this room, with him, where no one could hear me.

"Chloe, you always want things." He says making emphasis in 'want'. "You want to go you want to travel you want want want, but you never need." I looked at him in confusion, I didn't understood what he meant.

"You know Nathan will notice I'm gone." I say, but that only caused him to chuckle. "Did I said something funny?"

"Nathan? Really, he was the best thing you could do after me. Him?" He says standing up from his chair once he noticed I wasn't going to sit down.

"He treated me better than you ever did."

"You're lying." I bit my inner cheek. That was partly true, Nathan has done some things that weren't all the time good, but overall he has treated me better than Ryan.

"Why are you even here, I thought you were going to go away and leave me alone."

"You see... after rehab... I went to Texas for a while, you know to see my mother. I staid there for a good while, doing labour hours, day after day after day. Until one day I received a call, from your friend Mark." He stopped probably waiting for my reaction, which I had none as there was still information running through my head.

"You see, as you may now his father is a lawyer, one of the best ones to be honest, well anyway he helped me to go back into town, that's why Mark missed classes for a long time, because he was with his father working on my case, anyway on the end I won the case and moved back into here, to look for you."

"Why the fück will you do that? You knew I didn't wanted, and still don't want, anything to do with you. You've changed, you became what you're now." I say "Now if you don't mind, I'll be leaving now."

I turned away but he coughs my wrist.

"I want you back." He says. I don't know what it was, but for the first time I heard regret, sorrow and truthfulness in his words. But after all this years I knew how big of a liar he was.

"You still don't get that you were the one that weaved this web." I say not looking at him. "You're the only one to blame for what happened to us."


"Now I've grown up, in not the same thirteen year-old girl you met in the park and fell in love with, I've matured and now I can see for myself what's good and what's not." I took a moment. "But it's time for you to move on, just like I did, it's time for you to look for someone that will take you for who you are, but I won't, not again, I'm happy with Nathan and that's not going to change."

Nobody said anything after. The room was dead silent. Not a single sound until:

"You've put your guts over fear, but we both know that you're still afraid of me." He says and I could sense he had one of his devilish grins. "You know better than no one what I'm capable of doing."

"Fück off Ryan." I say slapping him hard in the face making him to back away a few moments, then I took my time to flee.

The door was locked, shit I forgot, I looked around for another exit but found none.

"Where you looking for this?" He says putting a key in sign, fück!

I ran into the nearest bathroom and locked myself in, I knew that was able to stop him for a few moments, but I knew he was strong enough to burst the door out.

To Nathan: Help me please.

A few moments later I got an answer:

From Nathan: Babe? Where are you, what's happening?

Me: Me in the last floor, I'm trapped.

Him: I'm going don't go anywhere.

Okay, in a normal situation I would've replied with a sassy comeback but he was my only way out so... no.

Nathan's P.O.V

It was weird to receive a message from Chloe like this. I know she has sent some messages like this before because of non-important things, but she has being gone way too long for a bathroom trip.

I took the elevator to the last floor and saw a guy standing in a door. I knew that guy from something, I think he's Chloe's friend... em... Mason?

"Hey, I know you know chloe, have you seen her?" I ask in a casual tone.

"Chloe? Chloe Miller?" Mason says.

"Yeah her." I say.

"Mm... nope." He says, he took his glance off me in the last word. Lying. Chloe does the same, that's when I know she's lying.

"You're lying, you've seen her." I say.

Then out of nowhere a stinging pain in my stomach, the son of a bitch punched me.

It took a while to stand up again, more than the usual, maybe I should go to the gym more often.

"You son of a bitch." I say, still catching my breath. I went up to him and kicked him in the gut, then punched him in the face.

"You've lost your strength Nathan." He says almost in a lighting tone. "I'm stronger than you now."

Another punch in the gut.

"You're never going to see her again."

Another punch.

"She's never going to love you as much as she loved me."


"You know why." He says "She is gone."

The last punch made him black out.

I blew the door away just to find a red velvet room silent as a day without breeze.

"Chloe?" I called out. No answer.

"Chloe!" I called out once more. Still no answer.

I sent her a message but got no reply, I was starting to worry even more. I looked in every room. No sign of her.

I was in the point of break, she meant the whole world to me, she couldn't be gone.

I began cursing every profanity I knew, she was gone, and I didn't knew where she was. Gone.

Chloe is gone.




So love me like you do lo-lo-love me like you do. Cause I know you'll love me even tho this book ended in cliff hanger.

Chloe's gone and nobody knows where.

I want to thank you all for coming in this adventure with Chloe and I, I love you all and I'll see you in my next book.

If you haven't read yet the prologue for It Started With a Heartbreak I recommend you to, I'll be working full-time on that book now that this one is over.

Also... VACATIONSSS!!! I'm so happy, I'm now a freshman 💁🏼 okno. Love you all.

Don't forget to vote for this last chapter and leave a comment on your thoughts about it. Stay fresh ;)

Ps: ALSO, also, feel free to send me any message through Wattpad I'll answer you as soon as possible.

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