Chapter Fifteen

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Instead of going back home, Nathan took me to his house. He lend me his jacket and covered me to his entrance where he had trouble opening the door, because his hands were wet.

But when he opened the door, the warmth of the fireplace filled my body.

"Nate, dear, you're all wet!" An elder woman screams when she sees Nathan.

"It's alright." He says, moving his wet hair back, leaving his forehead uncovered.

The elder woman, who is probably in her mid-60's, walks towards Nate kissing him in the cheek.

"And... Who is she?" She asks giving me a soft smile.

"She's Chloe." Nathan says, before I could even respond.

"Oh, Chloe!" She says also giving me a wet kiss on the cheek. "Nate speaks also a lot about you." She says with a smile.

"Grandma..." Nathan begins.

"He dreams about you also." She says ignoring Nathan's warning.

"Chloe do you want me to take you home?" Nate asks, trying to change of theme.

"Yeah, ,mom is probably worrying right now" I say.

"Drive right now? Oh no no no no, not with this huge thunderstorm heading this way." She says

Great what I needed, to spend a night in Nate's house while I'm fighting with Evan.

Nathan's grandma told us to take a seat, but Nate preferred to take a shower, so he grabbed a blue towel from a cabinet and disappeared on the hallway.

I was sitting on a red couch, the heat of the fireplace spread around my body while was watching Nathan's pictures.

"He was five." Nate's grandma says with a closed-mouth smile.

He was very cute. No, he is cute.

"Call me Nancy." She says stretching her wrinkled hand towards me.

"Chloe Miller." I say with a smile while stretching her hand.

"Nana, where's my blue shirt? Nate asks walking out of his room with only the blue towel around his waist leaving his bare chest exposed.

"Nathan Grey! Put some cloth on, we gave guests tonight!" Nancy exclaims, which I couldn't resist chuckling a little 'bit.

"But can you tell me what to were at least?" Nate asks sarcastically.

"Clothe?" She says surprisingly in a not sarcastic tone.

"Thank you." He says walk on to his room.

"That kid."

"Is awesome." I mutter but she was already on the kitchen.

Suddenly my phone started ringing so I answered.

''Chloe?'' My mother's worried voice asks.

''Que pasa mi madre?'' I say

''Oh, so now you're latina?''

''Si mi madre.'' I say, a smile already forming on my face.

''Where are you Chloe?'' She asks, now more seriously.

I thought about telling her a lie about being at Evan's, but eventually she would've find out, God knows how, that I was at Nate's, so I told her the truth.

''Nate's'' I say, getting prepaired for the nuke of questions.

''Nate's? I thought you were with Evan.'' She says

''It's complicated, I'll explain when i get home.'' I say and hang the phone.

I didn't wanted to explain right now, so I stood up from the couch and walked to Nathan's room, as I was alone in the living room.

I actually barged into the room, so I'm responsible of the trauma that I'll suffer for the rest of my existence.

"Holy Shit! Holy Mary please forgive all of my sins!" I exclaim, covering my eyes quickly.

Long story short, he was just recently putting his boxers, but luckily he wasn't facing the door.

"You like my ass. you have to admit that." he says. Cocky and arrogant as always.

"Shut up Grey." I say feeling nostalgia from those days.

I uncovered my eyes and sat on his bed, next to him, not even bothered by the fact that he's only on his black boxers, and a pair of jeans, still, he didn't had a shirt, same Nathan.

We were in silence for a while, as if the universe burned all of the possible conversation themes that existed.

Suddenly I was pushed back and his chest was over mine, and his warm lips were touching mines.

I wasn't expecting the kiss, to be honest , and maybe that's the reason that I didn't feel anything, but yet I kissed back until Evan popped into my Monday's I pushed Nate back.

"I'm sorry." I say, tears already falling from my cheeks.

"If he really loved you, you wouldn't be crying right now." he says looking at me with hurt.

That was true, I needed to get my facts straight, but oh well, we're young and still have a long life ahead, so I kissed him this time, now I did feel it.


Sorry for the long wait, I was busy with school, new chapter between tomorrow and Saturday ;)

Love you all, Merry Christmas btw!!

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