Chapter Fourteen

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Yep, I agreed on a date with Evan. This will be our second official date, and I hope it'll be romantic.

"Where do you want to go?" Evan asks me, a smile appearing on his face.

Wow, this is the first time somebody asks for my opinion. I never had the chance to decide where to go, only Ryan did.


"Can I choose where to go now?" I plead, clunching on Ryan's shirt.

"Nope." He says coldly.


"What about Luigi's?" I say mentioning the new Italian place near his house.

"That sounds good. At seven?" He says.

"Sure" I say giving him a smile.

The room suddenly became quiet. Nothing could be heard, unless you count our breathing. It was quite a good day, the sun was up and there were a few clouds, but oh well, nothing can be perfect right?

'Kiss him!' Sassy says

Should I? I dont think it's a good idea, he's probably thinking about another thing right now.

Suddenly I felt a weight over me, and the next thing I say was his lips connecting with mines, his kiss was careful, as trying not to break an expensive vase, but at the same time it had alot of passion.

"Chloe whe- EWWW!" One of the twins-I don't care who- barges into the room. "MOM! THEY ARE EATING EACH OTHERS FACES!"

In my head I'm already planning a death trap, Jigsaw style, for BOTH of them. But outside I could see Evan chuckling.

It's one ofthe few times I've heard Evan laughing. His laughter was sexy, and deep... But not as Santa's "Ho Ho Ho". Instead it was... sexy


"I'm so killing them." I say, mostly to myself.

A few minutes passed and it stayed quiet again.

"Hey, uhm, I have something to at home, so... see you at seven?" Evan asks once again.

"Okay." I say

"Okay." He repeats again. (A/N Yes I've read TFIOS and no pun is inteaded.)

He stands from the bed and I'm left alone with the vanishing heat from his body.

I also stood from the bed a few minutes later, looking outside the window I saw Evan standing next to his car waving at me and I waved back.

I dont know exactly why, but suddenly I got the urge to check on Facebook.

When I logged in, I ignored all the notifications that I had. Mostly because they were all to play Candy Crush.

The first thing I did-because I'm a totally normal person- was to check on Evan's profile.

I saw his photos, biography, and for last, I read his posts. Call me stalker, the truth is that I'm a researcher.

There were different posts, mostly from familiars, but one comment caught my attention.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I shout.

'Had a great night last night bby. When are you coming again?'

What the hell?!

I tried to stay calm and think about all the possibilities of who this girl could be, but I couldnt.

Why is he cheating on me? Maybe all the 'Evan is such a nice guy' face is just fake.

'He is too good for you' My mind says.

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