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Hey guys so I finally chose the question I will be answering for the book, most of these questions are about stuff that were inconclusive on the book so here we go!

Q: What happened to Evan at the end of the book?

A: Well he actually goes back to Australia with his family, causing a certain suspicion to Nathan, but he'll play and important role in the next book.

Q: Why is Ryan so obsessive with Chloe? Why does he takes the decision to kidnap her.

A: I'm just going to say that Ryan isn't what he seems to be, the rest you'll have to find out on "Gone".

Q: Can I have a Nathan?

A: Idk, we're still not producing them, not yet at least.

Q: Do you identify yourself with any character of the book? Name one.

A: I tried my best to divide my personality in my characters, that's why I'm not able to identify with only one, but if I had to... is probably go with Evan. Why would you ask, well at first I tried something with this girl but it didn't worked out ad ended up getting mad at her, well not actually mad but sad you could say, but now we're really good friends and everything is okay between us :)

Q: Why did you decided to write this book?

A: Well actually I got inspired by reading this book The Baby Project -go check it out its awesome, but sadly it's on hold.- and decided to write something in that similar theme and this is how Project Friend got inspired.

Q: How can you write in the point of view of a girl if you're a guy?

A: Yes I'm a guy, shocker? And I could say that because of the abundant, and I mean abundant, amount of books in Wattpad that have the point of view of girls, I don't know. Obviously there're some things that I don't get accurately but hey, I try my best!

Q: Do you find this story to be based on your life?

A: Uh... I don't know how to answer that question, yes but no at the same time. Some parts of the story are based on really remarkable parts of my life but others are just made up fantasies that I wished that happened.

Q: What happened to the twins?!

A: They'll also play an important role in the sequel ;)

Q: What is Nathan going to do in order to find Chloe?

A: Anything and everything.

Q: Did Nathan's grandmother actually died out of natural causes, I mean Ryan is really suspicious.

A: Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, let's believe that she did died out of age, lets believe that ;)

Q: Why did Nathan changed for Chloe? I mean, they practically hated each other in the beginning but ended up kissing a few chapters later?

A: Who said that Nathan changed for Chloe? There might be some other factors that influenced the abrupt change in Nathan's personality, or... what if he didn't changed at all ;)


And that's all the questions I'm going to answer for now, if this didn't cleared up some of your doubts I guess you're going to have to wait for the sequel, also go check out my other story It Started With A Heartbreak if you want a changed in the atmosphere. Also I'm planning to publish another story soon, no further information is going to be given, just... look out for it ;)

- Love y'all


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