Chapter Seventeen.

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A few weeks later...

Sunny, few clouds in the sky. It was a perfect day actually. I was sitting in a lake that was a few blocks away from school. Which by the way I'm on vacations.

I was staring at some orange leafs falling into the lake, thinking about my stuff when suddenly I felt a presence next to me.

"Can I help you." I ask turning to the... perfect looking golden-haired boy with blue eyes.

Mental slap.

Chloe you have a boyfriend. You know... Evan?

"You seem confused." He asks sitting next to me on the wooden bench. I looked at him to the eyes, blue as the ocean.

"I am indeed." I say with a chuckle.

"Can I help you?" He asks with a smile. God he's so cute.

"Nah, boyfriend problems." I say.

"Oh... does he cheats on you."

On normal circumstances I'lol just blew him off, but he seemed so nice so I didn't.

"It's kinda mutual." I say.


So.. I kissed him back. But just as my lips touched his I pulled away, so it resulted just like a peck.

"I'm sorry Nate." I say standing from the couch and leaving.


"Oh..." He says and we both fall into an awkward silence. "So... What's your name?" He asks after a while.

It's funny, I'm telling my problems to a total stranger.

"Chloe. You?" I say

"Kyle Brown." He responds giving me his hand to shake it, which I shook back.

"He can't be brother of that bitch." I thought.

"Sorry?" He asks.

"Never mind." I say with a smile.

"You know... about your problem." He takes a stop to look at me and then he continues. "You should follow what your heart most desires."

"Probably..." I say, mostly to myself.

"Hey I have seen you a few times in school."

"Yeah, but I'm not really that popular." He says and I give him THE look. The look that says you're lying.

"But you have a girlfriend, right?"

"Nah, turns out I'm-"

"You say gay I'll shot myself." I say

"Why?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Because almost every cute guy is gay and that's not fair." I complain almost like a little girl but that's true.

He gives a small chuckle before answering my question. "Nah, I'm not into relationships."

"Phew." I say wiping an invisible sweat drop from my forehead.

"Hey, um, can I ask you a favor?" He asks after a while.

"Sure." I reply almost instantly.

"Can you come with me for a few hours to do something."

'Dude how do you he's not a murderer'

'Screw you Sassy.' I reply to my bitchy mind.

And we left.


"A piercing?!" I practically shout when we arrived to the 'Piercing Manor.' More like 'Torture Manor.'

"Please..." He literally begs me like a little child.

I thought about it, twice, but I wouldn't put a foot in that place.

"I'll owe you one." He says and ladies a gentlemen, is a phrase that you can't just ignore.

"Fine." I say

"You're awesome."

"I get that a lot" I say sounding a little bit cocky.

He did all the talking actually, I just stood there nodding to all he asked me. Which was mostly my opinion on which one looked better.

A few minutes later he was already in the place they put piercings. Yeah, very specific, but to be honest I had quiet a headache because of the strong smells so I went to sit on a couch that seemed to be kinda old.

Because of the music playing so loud I couldn't hear when a creepy guy with quiet a few, many, tattoos sat next to me, very close to me.

"Hey." He said, alcohol was written all over his breath, in fact the smell was so strong I had to look away.

"Got a boyfriend." I say in a defensive way.

"Is it Goldie Locks with Ken face?." He asks aggressively, obviously referring about Kyle.

"No..." I say kinda lowly.

"Is he even here?." He asks even more aggressively than before.

"Leave me alone." I say standing up, but as soon as I led the couch I was banked back by the wrist, and the creepy weirdo kissed me.

As soon as his lips touched mines, my fist made contact with his face, to be more specific his mouth, because I pulled away there was a small gap between him and me.

"What's your fwugging pwoblem?!" He barely says, covering his now bleeding mouth.

"Sorry." I say quickly, don't know why but I did.

As soon as I left the lounge, Kyle appeared out of the nowhere so I bumped into him, and as I was about to fall he catches me in his arms.

"Thank you." I say standing up.

"No problemo." he says, I looked back because I heard some noises coming from the lounge, so I grabbed Kyle by the wrist and guided him out of that place.

When we settled in the car I noticed that Kyle had a piercing on the ear. I'm not fan of piercings but anyway, that's his life.

"I really owe you one."


As soon as the word escaped my mouth my phone beeped. To my surprise it was Melody.


Her: Where are you? I've been looking for you all day long.

Me:I'm with a friend

Her: your with a friend?

Me: you're*

Her: Screw you Miller. Anyway, what friend?

Me: Kyle Brown.

Her: Kyle Brown? THE Kyle Brown???

Me: yes Kyle Brown.

Her: Kyle Daddy Brown???????

Me: I guess...

Her: you have a boyfriend... right?!

Me: we're just friends.

Her: okay then..

Then something popped into my brilliant mind. I don't know why I didn't thought about it before, but it's pretty brilliant my idea.

"There's something you can do." I say with a smirk to a driving Kyle.


Sorry for not updating but I had some family issues I had to deal with. Anyway... FIRST CHAPTER OF 2015 whoop woop!

Really hope you had a great holidays( I have school on Monday 😭🔫) See you soon then ;)

Votes are appreciated along with comments. Also if you follow me it'll be awesome I follow back :D

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