Chapter Six

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Dedicated to pumpkingpie0123 for making my day today :)


Okay. Let's say that this week without Nathan wasn't that bad. In fact I got to know Evan better.

He's actually from Australia, but he moved to U.S.A when he was 14, and his accent wasn't so strong. His mom is American and his dad is Australian. His favourite colour is blue and he loves shrimps or 'prawns'.

And even though I've been avoiding Nate throughout the whole week, I can't stop thinking about him. His very soft lips, his beautiful brown hair, and his perfect blue eyes that resembled the ocean.

I was thinking about that I didn't realised that Evan was talking right now to me.

"Chloe? Everything fine?" He asks giving me a are-you-okay look.

I look at his bright blue eyes that were staring at mines.

"Yeah, just a little bit tired." I reply while stretching.

I invited him over my house so we could work on our Biology project. But I've been focused more on Nate than on the project.

"Hey, I didn't want to ask you this, but the day that I met you, you were crying. Why?" He asks with concern on his voice.

I stare down, thinking about that day. Without noticing a tear felt from my cheek.

"Oh, shit, sorry, didn't meant to- I-" he says starting to worry. I chuckle and look back at him.

"Don't worry, it's fine. It's just that I don't want to stress you with my problems." I say with a soft smile. In response I got an 'okay.'

I really don't need him to know about my problems.

We worked non the project for at least an hour when he said:

"Hey, would you like to go to the fair tomorrow?" He asks and I open my mouth to say something. "It's okay if you don't want to." He says looking away.

"No, no, I mean, it's fine." I say quickly and he looks back again. "I think it's a great idea." I smile.


Sunday. Fair day, a.k.a day with Evan.

I didn't even thought about Nathan when I woke up, instead I just thought about what should I put on.

Finally I decided that I'll put a simple black shirt with blue skinnies and my signature black and white converse.

My hair? Well, let's just say that, today, my hair and I agreed that today was a very important day. So I just put it in a messy bun.

As I looked at myself in the mirror. I could see those big green eye staring back at me.

'you were crying. Why?' Evan's voice echoed in my head.

Why? Well because the genes of being impulsive we're passed from my sister to me, and now I have to suffer by a guy who doesn't gives a flying shit about me.

But let's not worry. I have a 'meeting' with Evan tonight.

"So what about Nathan?" I see Sarah leaning by my door.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I reply kinda rudely.

"Told you he was a playboy." She says sitting on my bed. She pats to the side next to her and I sat.

"I hate when you are right." I joke trying to lighten up the tension.

"Then you should hate everyday." She jokes back.

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