Chapter 21-Meeting The Cast

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Samantha's POV
Chandler, Averie, Gray, Sam, and Me were all at my house in the living room watching The Walking Dead.
Hayes couldn't come because of his mom wanting him home for the weekend.

It ended with a guy named Aaron from the comics arriving.
Sam stood up.
"What the crap?!?" Sam yelled at the tv.
"What happened...." I said making a pouty face.
"I hate cliff hangers." Gray said crossing his arms.

We all nodded agreeing.
Chandler laughed.
I stood up.
"It's not funny." I said.
He stopped laughing.
"Why can't you tell us what happens?" Sam asked laying on the ground frustrated.

"I'll get in trouble and it's not fun." Chandler said.
I sighed and sat back down beside him.
He wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled up to him.
"Yall are too cute." Averie said basically fangirling.

I blushed and covered my face.
"Averie shush it..." I said making them all laugh knowing I was blushing.
I uncovered my face after I stopped blushing.
Averie chuckled and walked to my kitchen.

"So what do yall wanna do today?" Gray asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I need to stop by the set today. Yall can come." Chandler said.
I looked at him fast and smiled.
Before I even meet Chandler, I was a huge fan of The Walking Dead.
Carl mostly.

I squealed and hugged him.
"Daryl Dixon!" Averie said holding her heart and falling on the ground.
"Is Norman gonna be there?" She asked sitting back up.
"We have a photo shoot so the whole cast." Chandler said.
She screamed and jumped up and down.

"Let's go now!" She said grabbing her phone and the keys to the car.
Sam could drive so we let him.
Scary but we did.
Averie sat in the passenger and I sat in the middle of Gray and Chan in the back.

Chandler gave directions to Sam.
"We're here." Chandler said.
I looked up from my phone and gasped.
It was the set and oh my god.
It was here in person.
In front of me.

Chandler chuckled at me as Sam parked.
I grabbed my phone and followed Chandler in.
Averie squealing the whole time we were walking.
Sam and Gray didn't seem to care that much.
There not fangirls.

Chandler opened the door and walked in.
We all followed like lost puppy's.
Chandler intertwined our hands making me smile.
We kept waking down the hall and Chandler opened a door.
It was a really big room with photo stuff set up everywhere.

A guy turned around and Averie gasped immediately.
Norman Reedus.
He smiled and walked over to us.
"Chandler who did ya bring?" Norman asked smiling.
Averie gasped again and covered her mouth.

I laughed.
"This is Sam, Gray, Averie, and Samantha." Chandler said pointing to each of us.
Norman smiled.
"This must be your girlfriend." Norman said smiling.

I blushed and Chandler chuckled nodding.
"How did you-"
"Your hands and he talks-" Norman interrupted me.
"Norman!" Chandler interrupted.
I laughed and so did Norman.

I looked at our hands and notice we were still holding hands.
I smiled.
"She's a big fan." I whispered covering my mouth so Averie couldn't see what I was saying.

Norman smiled and walked over to Averie.
He hugged her and she hugged back and bursted into tears.
"Awwww don't cry." Norman said rubbing her back.
She just nodded and wiped her eyes.
He pulled away and smiled.

She smiled.
"Can I get a picture?" She asked.
"Of course you can." Norman said smiling.
She smiled and handed me her phone.
Norman hugged her in the picture and they both smiled.
I took the picture and they pulled away and I handed Averie her phone back.

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