Chapter 38- Mingus Reedus

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Samantha's POV

"What?" I asked about to freak out.
"Normans son, Mingus is there everyday. So when you come with me when we start filming tomorrow, your gonna meet Mingus." Chandler said.

I squealed then hugged Chandler. He laughed and hugged back.
"Holy crap oh my macaroni." I said freaking out.
Chandler cracked up laughing.
"I can't believe it!" I said then screamed and hugged Chandler so tight.

He laughed at me.
I pulled away trying to calm myself.
"Bed Chandler! You too Sam." Gina said smiling.
I smiled and nodded.
I ran into the bathroom and took off my pants and shoes.

Then I ran to Chandler's room and dived on his bed. I covered up then closed my eyes.
Chandler walked in laughing.
"Hurry bed! Tomorrow needs to come faster!" I said patting the bed.

I hid under the blanket when Chandler put on boxers. I felt his arms wrap around me then I snuggled up.
"Shhhh sleep." I whispered closing my eyes.
Chandler laughed.

"Ok I love-"
"Chandler shhhh." I said.
Chandler laughed.
He kissed my lips then pulled me closer. I'm super excited and super nervous.

I fell asleep.


"Wake Up!" Grayson screamed.
I grunted and hid under the blanket.
Chandler wasn't beside me.
"Where's Chandler?" I asked staying under the blanket.

"It's a surprise." Grayson said.
I grunted and sat up.
Grayson smiled at me.
"Get out and let me get dressed." I said.
Grayson shut the door and left.

I got up and put on some skinny jeans and a blue shirt with black bobs. I left my hair down and straightened it. I braided it back then put on deodorant and perfume.

I brushed my teeth and was finished. I walked downstairs to see Grayson smiling.
"What are you smiling about?" I asked laughing.
He smiled.

I looked at him confused.
I walked around the corner to the kitchen and I dropped my phone and covered my mouth.
Holy Crap.

Mingus was standing right there. Actually sitting on the stool but still.
He laughed at me and Chandler couldn't stop laughing.
"Holy crap." I said not able to uncover my mouth.

Mingus smiled.
I'm not gonna cry. I can't. That's weird.
Mingus got off the stool and walked over to me. He hugged me and I barely could hug back. I did anyways. He's so freakin tall. He's like 5 inches taller than me.

"You got this on freakin video." I said as Mingus pulled away.
Grayson nodded and laughed.
I grunted and sat on the cabinet.
"Surprise!" Chandler yelled.
I laughed shaking my head.

Mingus really looks like not real at all. His face is like perfect no acne or nothing. Seriously.
"Pancakes?" Chandler asked.
I nodded and jumped off the cabinet.
"Here's your phone." Mingus said laughing and handing me my phone.

"Thank you." I said laughing.
"Syrup?" Chandler asked.
I nodded.
"Did you make them?" I asked.
Chandler nodded putting flour on my nose. I wrinkled my nose up making Chandler laugh.

I grabbed some flour in a bowl and put it on his head. He gasped turning around at me.
I laughed covering my mouth. Chandler stuck his hands in the flour and came towards me.

I screamed and ran to the living room.
Chandler laughed chasing me.
"I just want a kiss!" Chandler yelled opening his arms.
"Mhmmm." I said making him laugh.

Chandler grabbed me. He gave me a big hug then kissed my cheek.
"Chandler..." I said as he laughed again. I was covered in flour basically white.
"I'll get the hair dryer." Chandler said laughing.

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