Chapter 57- Always

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Samantha's POV

I cried into Grays chest. I couldn't stop. Chandler he can't. I love him to death.
He can't leave me.
"He's gonna be ok." Gray said hugging me tighter.
I just cried.

We walked down the hallways just waiting. Gray sat down on a chair and I cried sitting beside him. Sam saw and hugged me. I hugged back crying. Then we got up and went down the hall and sat on a bench.

The doctor came out of the room and went into the waiting room. His hat with off. Oh god. I cried even more on Sam. He hugged me tight. I couldn't stop crying.
The doctor saw us and came and sat down.
"What happened?" I asked crying.

"His heart stopped working. He didn't make it." The doctor said.
"No! NO!" I screamed and fell on the ground crying.
Sam hugged me. He helped me up and hugged me tighter.

"The only way he can survive if he gets a heart downer. He's on a machine that helps him stay alive but he only has a week left to live." The doctor said.
I sat up.
"I can." I said crying.

The doctor looked at me.
"You can what?" Sam asked.
"I can give him my heart if no one else does." I said.
"Think about it Sam. You have to be sure because you won't live." Sam said.

"If no one else gives Chandler a heart then I will." I said positively.
The doctor was shocked and so was Sam.
But I was completely serious.

*5 hours later*

I held Chandlers hand sitting in the chair. I was exhausted because I haven't left the hospital all day and I haven't slept. I decided to fall asleep.


I woke up in a bed. I saw Chandler standing by a tree. I got up and ran to Chandler and I hugged him and kissed him as he did the same back.
We both laughed when we fell down.
He kissed me again and I kissed back.

Our lips moved in sync and Chandler deepened the kiss. I pulled away slowly.
"I love you." I said smiling.
"I love you too but you can't." Chandler said.
We stood up.

"Can't what?" I asked confused.
"Take your life for mine." Chandler said.
"I have too. You can't die." I said as tears fell.
"Sam if I'm meant to die I will. I want you to live you can't die you have to be strong and stay for me." Chandler said.

I shook my head as tears fell even more.
"You can't die." I said as he started to cry.
"If it's meant to happen it will." Chandler said crying.
I cried shaking my head.
"I'm gonna do it if no one else does Chandler." I said as even more tears fell.

Chandler was about to say something but I stopped him.
"I love you too much to let you die. You can't die on me." I said wiping my eyes.
"But I love you too much to let you die for me." Chandler said which made me ball my eyes out.

"It's your decision." Chandler said kissing my lips.
"I love you Chandler." I said crying.
"I love you too." Chandler said crying.
"I'll see you soon." Chandler said then disappeared.

"What?" I asked freaking out.
I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out. I screamed and cried even more.

*dreams over*

I shot up fast. Tears were running down my face. I cried my eyes out. I sat there just crying. I couldn't stop. I don't know what I should do now.

I looked up to see Chandler laying there. His eyes were closed and he was so peaceful. Tears fell down my cheek. His breathing was slow. Sam walked in and sat beside me.

"You doing ok?" Sam asked.
I shook my head.
Sam hugged me and I laid my head on his shoulder. Tears fell onto his shirt. I sighed.
Sam kissed my head and hugged me tighter.

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