Chapter 55- Stay Strong

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Chandlers POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Why was I holding a coke can? I put it down and sat up. Everyone was still asleep. Collin, Eric, Gray, Grant, Parker.
"Guys wake up." I said sleepily.

They grunted but eventually woke up. I stood up and grabbed my phone.
40 missed Calls from Mom
14 missed calls from Dad
20 missed calls from Sam's Dad
30 missed calls from Sam's Mom
28 missed calls from Madi

Madi called me again. I answered.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Chandler.." Madi said. She was crying.
"What's going on?" I asked worried.
"Sam's been in an accident. We need you at the hospital now." Madi said.

I took off running out of the door and jumped in my car. I drove off fast to the hospital. I parked fast and ran inside.
"Where's Sam?!?" I yelled.
All of the nurses and doctors were trying to calm me down.

"WHERE IS SHE?!?" I yelled.
"SOMEONE TELL ME NOW!" I screamed.
"Calm down sir!" A nurse said.

Madi came up to me and hugged me. I cried and hugged her back. She sat me down. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy.
"Madi?" I asked nervously.
She shook her head.

"Where's Sam?" I asked.
Tears fell down her face. My heart sunk.
"Where's SAM?" I asked a little loudly.
She shook her head.
"She didn't make it." Madi said.

"No, no, no, NO!" I yelled and stood up.
"She didn't make it Chandler." Madi said and cried even more.
I fell to the ground and cried.
I couldn't stop. My heart was shattered, my love was gone.

"I need to see her." I said as tons of more tears fell.
"Chandler that's not a good idea." My Mom came up to me.
"PLEASE!" I yelled crying even more.

I cried onto my Mom as she hugged me.
"Chandler you can't." My Mom said.
"I just need to see her please." I begged.
My Mom gave in.
The doctor led me into a room. There was someone on the bed with a blanket over them.

Tears came down my face. The doctor pulled off the blanket. I broke down in tears when Sam was laying there. Pale, blue lips, bruises and blood. I held her hand and cried. Her hand was ice cold.
"I love you." I whispered.

Tears fell even faster. I cried even more. I couldn't stop.
"Time to go Chandler." The doctor said.
I shook my head not wanting to leave her. She was so still and peaceful. Tears fell down my cheeks. She wasn't breathing, she was really gone.

The love of my life was gone. The one I was gonna marry and have 20 kids with. Her eyes were closed. I leaned close and tears fell and hit her face. I wiped them away softly. I kissed her cold lips.
Then the strangest thing happened.

She gasped for air coughing. My eyes went huge and I cried hugging her. The heart monitor came back on, her heart was beating fast. I couldn't stop crying.
The doctor stood there in shock. He got nurses.
"You were dead. You were gone." I said crying.

"You saved me." Sam said kissing my lips.
I kissed back immediately still crying my eyes out. Our lips moved in sync and I hugged her again as I pulled away.
"I love you so much." I said crying.
She wiped my tears as I saw she has some of her own.

"I love you too." She said smiling.
I hugged her again. She hugged back and then we pulled away.
The doctor walked in and did some test on her. She died and came back. The doctor can't figure out how but it happened.

"We're gonna have you stay over night just in case anything happens. Then you can go home tomorrow. Your healthy, 100%." The doctor said.
I thanked him then he walked out.
Samantha's parents came running in crying and giving her hugs. Madi and Sam cried and hugged.

Then Grayson came in and they hugged too. Sam came running in freaking out and he tackled her into a hug. Samantha laughed and hugged back. Then Gray came in more calmly but did the same.

Then Grant, Parker, Collin, Gray, and Eric came in and gave her hugs too. Everyone stayed in the waiting room and I stayed in the room with her because I refused to get out. I got in bed with her and hugged her softly. She snuggled up to my chest and I kissed her head. She smiled making me get butterflies.

"Go to sleep. You need rest." I said kissing her head again.
She looked up at me in the eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes made me smile.
"You need rest too." She said smiling.
I nodded and snuggled up closer.

I closed my eyes and waited for Sam to go to sleep first. Her breathing got slower and more steady so I knew she was asleep.
"Chandler?" Someone whispered.
I opened my eyes to see Grayson.

"Yeah?" I asked in a whisper.
"I need help." Grayson said.
"With what?" I asked.
"I don't know what to get Madi. I wanted to get her something because she seemed down from what happened to Sam. I wanted to cheer her up." Grayson said.

I thought for a moment smiling a little.
"Whatever she likes Grayson. Your her boyfriend." I said.
He nodded with a smirk.
"Maybe jewelry." I said.
He nodded.

"Thanks." Grayson said then walked out.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up with a kiss on my lips. I groaned and opened my eyes. I heard a laugh. Sam's laugh. I opened my eyes and she was smiling at me. I kissed her lips and she kissed back then pulled away.

"We gotta go." She said.
I nodded and got out of bed. She got out of bed and I went to the bathroom and got dressed then brushed my teeth and hair. I opened the door and picked her up since she wasn't paying attention.

She laughed holding onto me. I kissed her lips then walked out holding her. I put her in the car and got in with her. My parents and Grayson and Madi were in one car then me and Sam and her parents were in the other.

We went to her house and I carried her in and put her in her bed.
"Your such a gentleman." Sam said smiling.
We both laughed.
"I love you I'll see you tomorrow." I said and kissed her lips.

She kissed back and our lips moved in sync. I couldn't help but get closer. My stomach was a zoo. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I put my hands on her waist and went for it and made the kiss deeper.

"Come on Chandler!" My Mom yelled.
I grunted and pulled away.
"I'll see you later Sam." I said and kissed her once more then I got up.
She smiled at me then I felt arms wrap around me before I opened the door. I laughed and turned around and hugged her.

"You need to rest." I said and kissed her head then she got back in bed and I left.
I walked to my house with my parents and Grayson. I went up to my room and laid on my bed.

I just don't get how you can die and come back and be strong and normal. I wouldn't be able to do that. I don't get how she does it.
My strong baby girl.
I love her so much.

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