Chapter 27- Closer

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Samantha's POV

Me and Chandler decided to have a day to our selfs. It's Saturday so that means no school. Sometimes I really come to the point where I want to be homeschooled with all of my friends.

Chandler and I were on the couch cuddling watching movies. We have been since 12:00pm and now it's 4:00pm. We've watched Titanic, Finding Nemo, and now we're watching The Walking Dead, old episodes. Season 1.

"Awwwwww I love this part." I said cuddling closer to Chandler.
Chandler smiled and kissed my head.
It was the part when Rick reunites with Carl and Lori.
"You were so freakin little." I said smiling.
"I was around 10 years old." Chandler whispered.
I smiled.

"I miss Lori on the show." I said sadly.
"Me too." Chandler said looking at me.
I cuddled up closer and he chuckled and hugged me.
We ended up watching all of Season 1 and it was already midnight.
"I'm tired." I said laying down on the couch.

Chandler stood up and picked me up bridal style.
"What are you doing? I like the couch." I said huffing.
"What about your bed?" Chandler asked walking upstairs.
I chuckled.

Chandler carried me into my room and laid me down on my bed. I took off my pants and shoes and Chandler covered me up.
"Can you stay?" I asked as he turned off the light.
"I told my mom I would probably be staying the night." Chandler said taking off his shoes.

"You know us so well." I said smiling.
He smiled.
"Well we have been dating for about a year." Chandler said taking off his shirt.
I chuckled.
Chandler got in bed with me and cuddled up next to me.
I turned to face him and I snuggled up to his bare chest.

I was trying to think how long me and Chandler have been dating. 1 year exactly next week.
"1 year on Friday." Chandler said kissing my head.
I smiled.

It's been a really quick year with Chandler. I was just like any normal fan and then all at once we fell in love and went through ups and downs and now it's almost been a year.
"Best 1 year ever." I said smiling.
Chandler smiled.

"Goodnight kiss?" Chandler asked.
I chuckled and kissed Chandlers nose.
He grunted.
I chuckled and smashed my lips into Chandlers.
He chuckled and kissed back.
Our lips moved in sync then I pulled away because I'm tired.

Chandler grunted and I laughed.
"Your stubborn." Chandler said pulling me closer.
"No I'm tired." I said and Chandler laughed.
"I love you though." Chandler said kissing my head.
I smiled.

"I love you too." I said smiling.
Chandler kissed my lips and I fell asleep.


"Samantha..." My sister said shaking me.
I opened my eyes.
"Get up and get dressed. Me and Mom are taking you somewhere." My sister said.
I sat up but not all the way.
Chandler was still asleep.

"Can Chandler come?" I asked.
She nodded and walked out.
She peeked back in.
"Yall are too cute by the way." She said smiling and leaving.
I smiled.

"Chandler..." I said kissing Chandlers lips.
He didn't wake up.
"Chandlerrrrrr." I said kissing him again.
He still didn't wake up.
I kissed him again and he kissed back. I pulled away and whacked him.

"Cheater." I said laughing.
He opened his eyes and laughed.
"I did good didn't I?" Chandler asked smirking.
I laughed and got up.
Chandler pulled me back down and snuggled up to me so I couldn't move.

"Chandler my sister said I need to get ready. You can come with us to wherever we are going." I said laughing.
Chandler sighed.
"What's the password?" Chandler asked.
I turned around and kissed Chandler. He smiled and kissed back. I pulled away.

"Good password." Chandler said letting me go.
I laughed and went to my closet.
I picked outa baggy crop top, shorts, and bobs or toms. I brushed out my hair and put it in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant.

"I'm ready!" I said grabbing my phone.
"Me tooo!" Chandler said laughing.
I laughed.
I felt my phone and it wasn't the normal feeling. I looked down and it wasn't my normal case. It said 'Aye he's mine' on it. I looked at Chandler and he smiled and grabbed his phone. He showed me and his said 'Aye she's mine'.

I kissed his cheek and he hugged me from the side.
"Yall ready?" My mom asked.
I nodded walking downstairs.
"Where are we going?" I asked as me and Chandler got in the car.
"Lunch." My mom said as my sister got in the passenger side.

Me and Chandler sat in the back with my mom driving and sister in the passenger.
I put my phone in my back pocket and looked out the window. We were driving not to a restaurant. I kept my mouth shut.

I leaned on Chandlers shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. My mom smiled.
We drove for about 20 minutes.
"We're here." My mom said parking the car.
I sat up and we were in a fancy restaurant parking lot.

Me and Chandler intertwined hands as we walked into the restaurant.

When we walked in, I saw a sign that said 'I miss you Samantha!'. The person moved the sign and it was Averie. I screamed and ran to her. I jumped on her and tackled her to the ground hugging her. She laughed and managed to hug me while on the ground. I stood up and helped her up and we hugged.

My mom was videoing.
"Mommmm." I said laughing.
She smiled.
Averie pulled away and hugged my sister and Chandler and my mom. I hugged her mom too.
"I missed you." I said smiling.
"I know I wanted to see you again so I asked my mom and she asked yours and our moms thought of this." Averie said smiling.

I smiled and hugged my mom.
"Thank you!" I said squealing.
My mom hugged me back and kissed my head.
I hugged Averie's mom and thanked her too.

We all got our seats and I sat by Averie and Chandler. We sat at a 6 person table.
"Hello my name is Morgan and I'll be your waitress for today." A girl said handing us menus.
We ordered our drinks and I was looking through the menu.

I saw someone walking fast and out the door. I saw a glimpse of the persons face.
It was Hayes. He was crying.
"That's Hayes." I said turning around to Chandler and Averie.
"Go." Chandler said smiling.

I smiled and nodded and ran after Hayes.
"Hayes!" I yelled walking out of the restaurant.
He kept walking.
"Hayes please!" I yelled.
I picked up my pace and grabbed his arm.
"Hayes!" I said making him face me.

He shook his head and cried.
I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.
He never cried this bad.
Especially out in the public like this.

"Hayes what's wrong?" I asked snuggling up to his chest to comfort him.
"I don't know." Hayes said hugging me tighter.
I know I was making him feel better by hugging him like this.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.
"The girl that I love, loves someone else." Hayes said rubbing my back.
"What girl?" I asked confused.
"You." Hayes said hugging me tighter.

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