Chapter 45- Stupid Mistake

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Samantha's POV

Sam didn't stop kissing me. I pulled away and shot up.
"SAM WHAT THE CRAP!" I screamed running my hands through my hair.
His eyes went huge realizing what he had just did.
"Oh crap." He mumbled.

"Sam!" I screamed again.
"I'm sorry!" He said standing up.
I shook my head and backed away. I was in complete shock.
"Why did you freakin kiss me?!?" I screamed looking straight at him.

"CAUSE I LOVE YOU OKAY! BUT I CANT F***** HAVE YOU! IT HURTS TO NOT HAVE SOMEONE YOU LOVE YOU KNOW!" He screamed at me then ran out slamming the door.
Oh my god.

I opened the door and Sam was getting in his car.
"Sam wait!" I yelled running after him.
He got in the car and shut the door. He started the car.
I ran to the window.
"Sam open it." I said.

He shook his head not looking at me. I ran to the other side before he could lock the car. I opened the passenger door and got in.
"Sam..." I said as my heart broke.
He was crying. Tons of tears were going down his face.

I hugged him. He hugged back tightly as he cried. I felt so bad but I couldn't do anything besides be there for him. I'm mad at him that he kissed me but I didn't know he loved me and now he's crying.

"Sam don't cry." I said hugging him tighter.
"What am I supposed to do when I love someone I can't have?" He asked.
I shook my head not able to think.
"I don't know Sam." I said feeling bad.

"I know," He said sighing and wiping his eyes.
We just sat there in his car not letting go for like 20 minutes.
"I probably need to go back home." Sam said laughing a little.

I smiled and pulled away.
"Bye Sam twin." I said getting out of the car.
He waved and drove off. Now it's never gonna be the same just by a stupid mistake.

I sighed and walked back inside. I needed to text Chandler.
Samantha-I need to talk to you when you have a chance😁 Call me when you can😘😊
I sighed and sent it. I sat on the couch pausing the movie.

I turned the tv off and went upstairs. I decided to go swimming. I put on my swimsuit bikini, just a plain black one. I grabbed my phone, sunglasses, and towel. My phone started to ring.

I grabbed it and looked to see my Mom.
Samantha- Hey Mommmm
Mom-The doctor called and said you should be okay now without the oxygen tank. He said you can take it off but you'll feel pressure. If it last longer than 10 seconds then you need to leave it on for one more day if not then you can take it off

Samantha-Yay ok good thanks Mom
Mom-Your welcome. I'll be home soon.
Samantha-Ok love you byeeee
Mom-Love you bye.
I hung up and put down my phone. I took it off. It felt like a rock was on my chest. I counted to 10 then it slowed down as I got closer to 10.

It stopped. I smiled excitedly that I don't have to have those anymore. I put it by my bed and grabbed my things and went downstairs. I went outside and sat my things down on the chair.
I grabbed a floaty thing to lay on. I got in the pool and laid on it.

Crap the music. I got back out and turned on One Direction. I jumped in the pool feeling relieved. I missed swimming.
I laid there looking at the clouds and matching up shapes just thinking about Chandler.

I wanted to cry and hide in a corner but I can't do that every time. My phone began to ring and I shot up. I feel off and into the water. I laughed as I hurried out of the pool. It was Chandler. I dried off my hands and picked up the phone.

Chandler- Hello? Sam are you okay?
Samantha- Yea kinda.
Chandler-What happened?!?
Sam-Before I tell can't freak out on Sam
Chandler-Ok I promise.

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