Chapter 51- I need you

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Warning I don't know how court goes so it probably sounds stupid but oh well😂

Samantha's POV

I woke up in Chandler's arms. My face was extremely sticky from tears and Chandler's shirt was wet. I looked at the time, 5:34am. We have court today at 7:00am. I kissed Chandler's cheek and got out of bed. He grunted moving onto his stomach.

I got in the shower and took my time. I got out and dried off. I put on a dress that was like a mint green or light blue. Then I put on my sandals and brushed through my hair and curled it. I brushed my teeth and put on a little make up.

I finished by putting on deodorant and perfume.
"Chandler wake up." I said shaking him.
He didn't move. I pushed back the blankets and it was a pillow. I grunted then someone grabbed my waist making me scream.

"I'm sorry it's just me. It's just me." Chandler said realizing how scared I was.
He hugged me tight and I hugged back. I was breathing fast and heavy.
"It's ok." I said.
He pulled away and kissed my head. I smiled a small smile.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he nodded.
"You look beautiful." Chandler said hugging me from the side.
"Thank you." I said smiling.
He smiled kissing my lips. I kissed back and then pulled away when my Mom called us.

I grabbed my phone and held Chandler's hand as we walked downstairs of Chandler's house. I got in the car with my Mom, Dad, and sister. Chandler's parents and Grayson were meeting us in there car there.

I held onto Chandler really tight because I was extremely nervous.
"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you." Chandler whispered kissing my head.
I put my head on Chandler's shoulder knowing he wouldn't let anyone hurt me.

As soon as we got there Chandler pulled me close. Paparazzi was there.
"Don't talk to them and don't say a word." My Dad said. We nodded and got out of the car.
We moved fast into the building. Fans were there too so everyone was screaming our names.

We got into the building and went straight to the court room. I never let go of Chandler. We got a lawyer just in case.
"You may have to go up there and talk. Tell them everything." The lawyer said to me.
I nodded nervously.

We all stood up as the judge walked in then we sat back down.
"Bring in Nathan please." The judge said.
I held Chandler's hand really tight and he kissed my head again. Nathan walked in handcuffs.

I got extremely scared as all of the memories came back. Tears fell but I wiped them away.
"Can we have Samantha to the stand?" The judge asked.
I got up and Chandler hugged me then I went to the stand.

Nathan's lawyer came up to me when I sat down.
"You may begin." The judge said to Nathan's lawyer.
"So you told everyone your story from what happened between you and Nathan?" Nathan's lawyer asked.

I nodded.
"Not everyone but yes." I said.
"Do you have proof?" He asked.
"Test have been done yes." I said.
"But do you have proof on you?" He asked.
I thought for a moment.

"Yes." I said and showed him the stitches.
He nodded walking I guess trying to think.
"Can you tell me where you were?" He asked.

"In the woods maybe idk he blind folded me and there were no windows in the room I was in." I said.
He nodded.
"I'm done with questioning for now." He said.
"Your dismissed Samantha." The judge said and I got up and went beside Chandler.

"You did perfect." Chandler whispered.
I smiled a small smile and sat down.
"Can Nathan come to the stand?" The judge asked.
Nathan got up and went to the stand. My lawyer got up and went in front of the room.

"So Nathan why did you do it?" He asked.
Nathan bit his lip.
"Because I wanted to." Nathan said.

"Does that give you the right to kidnap her, touch her, and rape her?" He asked.
Nathan shrugged.
"I didn't though." Nathan said.
"There's proof Nathan that you did." The lawyer said.

Nathan rolled his eyes.
"Did you do this yourself? Were you helped or made?" He asked.
"I can't say." Nathan said.
"You have to." The lawyer said.
"I was made too. I had too or she would kill me." Nathan said as tears fell

"She? Does she have a name?" The lawyer asked.
Nathan nodded gulping.
"She can't kill you if you tell us." The lawyer said.
He nodded.

"Hana Hayes." Nathan said.
Chandler covered his mouth.
"How do you know her?" The lawyer asked.
"My family was poor and she offered me 10 thousand dollars if I did that to Samantha." Nathan said.

Chandler knows who it is?
"Where is Hana now?" The lawyer asked.
"The crowd." Nathan said.
"Can you point her out?" The lawyer asked.
Nathan pointed to a girl with blonde hair.

"I'm done with Nathan bring Hana." The lawyer said.
The judge dismissed Nathan and brought up Hana.
"Why did you wanna do this to Samantha?" The lawyer asked.

"I wanted her dead so I could have Chandler to myself." Hana said.
Chandler squeezed my hand.
My mouth dropped. I was in shock.
The lawyer nodded.

The judge was already ready for the answers.
"Everyone rise." The judge said.
We all stood up.
"Samantha is not guilty." The judge said.
Well duh.

"Nathan is guilty with the raping and harassment of Samantha. Jail for 1 year and after he's out put in rehab until he's 100% better." The judge said.
I couldn't help but get excited but I felt bad since he was forced but I'm glad he's going away.

"Hana is guilty for the force to Nathan of raping and harassing Samantha. Prison for 5 years and after she gets out rehab until 100% better." The judge said.
"This case is complete." She said and hammered her gavel thing.
Everyone walked out and I stayed with Chandler and then walked out.

Everyone was giving me hugs. I hugged back and thanked them. Even Hana and Nathan's Mom apologized to me giving me hugs, the nice person I am I hugged them back. Hanas Mom apologized to Chandler too.

We got back in the car.
"I can't believe that just happened." I said sitting in my seat buckling.
"Nathan's gone and Hana made him do that just to get Chandler." Madi said.
"I wouldn't leave you anyways." Chandler said.

"But what if he killed me?!" I said freaking out.
"He didn't. If he did he would not be alive right now." Chandler said.
I sighed and put my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

My Mom drove home and dropped me off at Chandler's house. We went up to his room and I sat down on the bed. Chandler shut the door and sat beside me.
"They can't hurt you anymore Sam." Chandler said sitting beside me.

"I know I'm just still freaked out." I said.
"How did you know her?" I asked.
"We filmed Mercy together. I could tell she liked me but I never did." Chandler said.
I shook my head still shocked that she did that.

"But hey," Chandler said softly putting his hand under my chin so I could look at him.
"There in jail and prison and is gonna have rehab until there like 50 years old." Chandler said.
"I know I'm glad." I said nodding.

"So they can't hurt you." Chandler said.
I hugged him and he hugged back.
"I know Chandler." I said smiling a little.
"I just don't want you to get hurt. I need you Sam. I love you. Your my first love that I've ever had." Chandler said.
"I know I love you too." I said smiling.

I pulled away and kissed Chandler. He kissed back pulling me closer as he put his hand on my waist. I pulled away and smiled.
"There's the smile I've been looking for all day." Chandler said smiling making me blush.

I laughed shaking my head.
I got up to go to the bathroom.
"And Chandler," I said peeking into the room.
He looked up.
"I need you too. I love you." I said smiling.

He smiled.
"I love you too." He said smiling.
We need each other.

Forever & Always {chandler riggs}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora