Chapter 39- No One Else

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(I've never done Chandler's POV in a while and if you liked it then comment below and I'll do another POV from Chandler in a little while)

Chandler's POV

"Where's Sam?" I asked Norman.
He shrugged.
"Last time I saw her she was with Katelyn." Norman said.
I nodded and scratched the back of my neck.

I walked down the hallway nervously looking for her. I knocked on Katelyns door.
"Katelyn..." I said nervously.
The door opened.
"Have you seen Samantha?" I asked.
She nodded and I sighed with relief.

"Mingus is showing her around." Katelyn said.
My heart sunk. I nodded and thanked her and she smiled and shut the door.
I walked down the hallway some more and heard laughing. It sounded like Sam's.

I peeked around the corner to see Mingus holding Sam down on the ground tickling her. Something just washed through me. Anger, sadness, happiness, love, Idek.

I walked off the other way. I went to my dressing room/break and slammed the door. It echoed through the whole place. I sat on the couch and went on my phone. I didn't even know what I was gonna do on it.

I decided to put it down. I locked it and laid on the couch. I fell asleep.

*2 hours later*

I heard a door open.
"Chandler..." Samantha whispered.
I didn't open my eyes. I felt a kiss on my head then a blanket being put on me. That's what I love about her, she's so caring.

"Sweet Dreams." Samantha whispered but this time she kissed my lips. I smiled and she did her little bashful happy laugh.
"Looks like your already dreaming happily." She whispered giggling.

I heard the door open then close.
I decided to wait a little longer. I waited like 15 minutes just sitting there and thinking.

Mingus would never steal a girl away from me. I've known him since I started filming here. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair. I sighed and stood up.

I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair a little cause it was messy. I opened the door and walked out. I was still extremely tired.
"Finally your awake." Samantha said running to me.
I smiled and she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I hugged back tightly.
"I'm still tired." I said laughing a little.
She smiled. Her smiles always make me happy. I kissed her head and she blushed. I love it when she blushes cause of me.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.
"I'm not talking to Mingus..." She said.
My heart sunk again. Why would she do that? She never does that unless something bad happened.
"Why?" I asked looking at her.
"He doesn't give a crap that I'm with you." She said crossing her arms.

"What do you mean?" I asked worried.
"He tried to kiss me when he was touring me around. He apologized after but I got mad and walked away. Then I came to tell you but you were asleep." She said looking from her shoes to my eyes.

I shook my head angrily. I started to walk fast to Normans room.
"Chandler stop." Sam said grabbing my arm.
"He can't do that." I said angrily.
"I know but he apologized." Sam said looking straight at me in the eyes.

"You don't need to stand up for him its wrong for him to do that." I said getting really mad.
"Chandler I know it's wrong. Your gonna get in trouble." Sam said looking around.

Then it hit me. All at once. Like tons of letters and words being thrown at me.
"Do you like him? Is that why your saying this?" I asked angrily.
She stared at me confused. I shook my head then walked away.

"Chandler I don't like him!" She said trying to catch up.
Tears came to my eyes as I walked to my room. I locked the door and sat up against it. Tears spilled out of my eyes.
I shook my head and wiped them away.

"Chandler please." Sam begged trying to open the door.
I shook my head.
"Chandler I don't like him. I love you and no one else." Sam said as her voice cracked.

My heart broke. I opened the door letting her in.
She shut the door and looked at me. Her heart broke with her eyes which killed me.

"Chandler..." She said sitting beside me.
I just shook my head.
"I'm sorry." I said shaking my head as tears fell.
She pulled away and stood up. She helped me up then I hugged her right back.

She hugged me back.
"I'm sorry, I didn't even think first." I said as tears fell.
"Chandler it's fine. I understand." She said hugging me a little tighter.
I nodded.

"I'm sorry too." She said as I felt my shirt got wet.
My heart broke.
"For what?" I asked confused.
"Letting you think I liked Mingus instead of you. I like him as a friend but nothing more." She said shaking her head.

"It's fine I promise." I said as my heart broke even more.
She nodded.
"I love you so much." I said wrapping my arms tighter around her.
"I love you too." She said as I smiled.

"Chandler!" Someone yelled.
She opened the door and peeked out then closed it back.
"You need to get ready." She said smiling and wiping her eyes.
They were all puffy and red but the hazel still popped out.

I smiled and wiped my eyes too. I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes. I put on my Carl outfit thing and walked out.
"Your seriously a total different person and holy crap I can't get over it." Sam said squealing.

I laughed and hugged her. She hugged back.
"I love you Chandler Grimes." She said making me laugh as my heart melted.
"I love you too Samantha Riggs." I said smiling.
She smiled.

"So I'm Mrs.Riggs?" She asked.
I nodded and kissed her lips then opened the door. We both walked out as she was blushing like crazy. Which made me loose it inside.
"Ok Chandler I need you too hair and make up." The director said.

I nodded and walked over to the hair and make up section of the building.
I sat down in a chair and took off my hat. Sam came around the corner smiling. I smiled.

She put her hand on the hat and put it on her head.
"Now I'm Samantha Grimes." She said smiling.
I smiled. She kept the hat on and sat in a chair. She watched me get all my make up on and everything.

After I was done I grabbed my phone.
"Selfie?" I asked.
She laughed and nodded.
I held up my phone and she smiled. I smiled and took the picture.
"Carl Grimes and Samantha Grimes comin for you like a french braid table top😎" I posted it on Instagram.

Sam's phone dinged and she unlocked it and cracked up laughing. She posted the same thing on her page.
I started laughing cause she couldn't stop.
"I need to pee holy crap." She said getting up and running to the bathroom.

I laughed shaking my head.
"Mingus and Sam needs too stay somewhere else or they need to keep everything that we film a secret." The director said.

"They can keep it a secret." I said feeling worried about them being in a room together. I trust Sam but Mingus not so much anymore.
The director nodded.

Sam came out of the bathroom and ran by me putting my hat on as she slid by. Basically she ran then slid and put my hat on my head.
"That was perfect." Norman said laughing.
We all laughed as she blushed again.

"Do it again." Norman said getting out his phone. She grabbed my hat and walked back to the bathroom.
"Go!" Norman yelled laughing.
She started running then slid and put the hat on my head as she still slid. She slipped but then crashed into a box of props. We all started laughing.

"I'm stuck." She whined.
I laughed and ran over to her and helped her out. She laughed when she stood up.
"That was even more perfect." Andrew said.
We all laughed.

She sat down in a chair next to the director. Mingus came over and sat beside her. I kept calm. We started filming. As I was doing a scene, out of the corner of my eye, Mingus whispers something in Sam's ear then she shakes her head.

He whispers another thing and she sighs and gets up. They both walk outside.

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