Chapter 4- Good or Bad Things?

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Samantha's POV
I woke up in a hospital, my vision was blurry and I couldn't hear very well.
It went back to normal and I saw Chandler asleep beside me, in a chair.
I smiled.

I tapped on Chandler's shoulder and he woke up.
"Oh my god your ok!" Chandler said as he began to cry while smiling.
He got up and hugged me and I hugged him back.
"What happened?" I asked as we pulled away from the hug.

"When we were walking home, there was a truck. You turned around to face me and Sam and it swerved and hit you. The truck backed up and drive off but Sam got the license plate. You blacked out and they said you had a 50% chance of living. I thought you were gonna die." Chandler said crying.

I motioned him to come closer because I couldn't reach without it hurting.
He came closer and I hugged me.
"Am I gonna be okay?" I asked nervous then pulling away from our hug.
"I think so but you have a broken hand and foot and you bruised your ribs." Chandler said.
I nodded.
"Where's my parents and my sister and Sam and Averie?" I asked freaking out.

"There in the waiting room. I kinda panicked and the only way to make me stop and calm down was to stay in here with you. So your parents let me in here and everyone else is in the waiting room." Chandler said calming me down.

I smiled, shaking my head, and blushing.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked nervously.
"1 day." Chandler said.
One day wasn't that bad.
"Can you go get my family and Averie and Sam?" I asked.
"Anything." Chandler said getting up and kissing my forehead and then walking out.
What was that for? He never does that.

"Samantha!" Averie said running in the room hugging me.
I smiled.
"Are you ok?" Averie asked scared.
"I'm perfectly fine just sore." I said smiling.
She nodded.
"Hey I'm glad your ok." Sam said hugging me.
I hugged back and we both smiled.

"Oh my god." My mom came rushing in hugging me.
"Hi Mom." I said smiling.
"Are you okay?" My sister asked coming up and hugging me.
"I'm fine just sore." I said hugging back.
"Hey sweetie." My dad said kissing my forehead.
"Hey dad." I said smiling.

"Ok so here's the deal. Samantha here will have to have a wheelchair or some crunches, whichever works best for her. She can't go to school for 1 week and I have some pain medicine for her." The doctor said writing stuff down as he walked into the room.

"What did I hurt?" I asked looking at Chandler.
"You have a broken hand and foot and you may have hurt your ribs pretty bad. That's why you can't go to school for 1 week." The doctor said writing more than looking up, giving my mom a piece of paper.

"Thank you so much doctor." My mom said smiling.
"No problem, it's what I do." The doctor said smiling then walking out.
"Your gonna be ok." Averie said smiling.
"Let's get you home kiddo." The nurse said walking in.

I smiled.
"Some of you need to get back in the waiting room please." The nurse said smiling a little.
I looked at my mom and she smiled giving me a kiss on the forehead.
My dad did the same. My sister hugged me and so did Averie and Sam. Then it was just me, Chandler, and the nurse.

"Ok so your gonna need a shot and I'm going to take some blood." The nurse said writing stuff down on a piece of paper.
I looked at Chandler and he grabbed my hand.
"Relax this arm a little." The nurse said cleaning my arm.

"Look at me." Chandler said sitting down in the chair as he took his hand and put my head towards him.
I closed my eyes and felt a pinch in my arm.
"Ouchy." I said.
Chandler smiled and the nurse laughed.

"This part is not fun and it kinda tickles." The nurse said.
Chandler got up and out of her way to my other side.
I turned towards him and he got close enough so I could put my head in his chest so I couldn't see.

Chandler decided to get up and lay beside me and I stuffed my head in his chest.
She tied a thing around my arm, she cleaned the area, and I felt a really sharp pinch.
"Holy crap." I said breathing in then back out kinda loud.

I felt it suck my blood out and it tickled and hurt at the same time.
"Almost done." Chandler said as I grabbed his hand and squeezed it with my hand that got the shot.
"Ok now I gotta take your IV out." The nurse said getting up and then getting me a bandaid.

"Ready?" She asked
I nodded and put my head in Chandler's chest again.
I felt a little pinch and then it was out.
"Ok your all done." The nurse said putting a bandaid on my arm.

"Do you wanna wheelchair or crunches?" The nurse asked.
"I'll try crunches." I said and then she handed me them.
I got up and put them under my armpits and tried to walk.
I felt a sharp pain on my side and almost fell down.
I felt arms wrap around me softly.

I smiled, "Thank you."
He smiled back.
"You'll do good with crunches. The pain is from your ribs bruised so it will take about a week to heal." The nurse said.
I nodded.
"Ok we'll get changed and then you can go home." The nurse said smiling and then leaving.

"Do you need help walking?" Chandler asked.
I shrugged.
"Suit yourself." Chandler said picking me up bridal style.
I smiled.
Chandler didn't even hurt me where my bruise was.
I don't know how.

He opened the bathroom door and sat me down on the toilet.
The toilet seat was closed.
He walked out then came back with clothes. Chandler handed them to me and then shut the door.

I stood up slowly and then took off my shorts and shirt and put on my dress my mom brought me. I put my hair into a high ponytail and then put on 1 flip flop. My left foot had a cast on it that was white and my right hand had one too that was purple.

"I'm done." I said.
Chandler opened the door slowly and then came over to me and picked me up again bridal style.
I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes.

"Shhhh I'm asleep." I said smiling.
"Ok your asleep." Chandler said laughing.
"She fell asleep?" My mom asked.
"She did?" Chandler said acting surprised by his voice.
"I got her crunches right here." Chandler said.

"Thank you Chandler, you can put her in the car." My dad said.
"Can I come?" Chandler asked with a nervous voice.
"Of course you can." My mom said.
I felt Chandler sat me down then I guess he got in because I felt his warmth on me.

I snuggled my head on his arm. He put his arm around me with his hand on my waist. I smiled.
"So Chandler do you mind staying and helping Sam?" My mom asked.
"I'd love that but I'd have to ask my mom first." Chandler said.

I heard typing and then a *beep*.
"I can stay as long as I need to." Chandler said.
"Ok that's fantastic." My mom said getting excited.
Probably because she didn't have to take care of me.
"Am I spending the night?" Chandler asked.

"For the week I guess." My mom said.
I smiled.
"My mom will bring my things later." Chandler said.
"Ok we're here." My mom said and the car came to a stop.
I heard the car door open and I felt Chandler picking me up.

I heard the door open and Chandler's footsteps on the stairs. Then I heard my door open and I felt Chandler lay me down. A blanket fell on me and I was comfy.
"Sweet dreams." Chandler said.
I felt lips on my forehead.

They stayed there for about 3 secs.
I smiled.
I heard my door shut
I smiled again and opened my eyes to rub them. I closed my eyes back and fell asleep.

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