Practise makes perfect

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Jax's POV
I groaned as the alarm clock next to my bed. 8:34 AM. Why did I set it so early?! I got out of bed while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and got changed. I walked into the kitchen hoping to get some bread, but saw my guitar leaning against the wall with some paper taped to it. I walked over and read the note:
Dear Jax,
We've heard that you and April are in the music competition coming up next month. Look out for us, I mean, why not? But cherish these last days with April, because we are coming.
Hit the Target and his friend Damian.

'Was he really going to take April?' I asked myself. 'No' I replied in my head. I decided that I was going to ask Lee for some training lessons. I picked up my guitar and stuffed the note in my pocket and walked over to Stampy's room.

I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' from inside. I opened the door to see Stampy on his bed, doing something on his PC. "Hey Stampy, can I just see Lee real quick?" I asked. "Sure, you don't need to ask." He answered. "Thanks." I said, climbing up the ladder into Lee's room.

Lee was in his room sorting out some swords in his chest. "Um, Lee? Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure, I'm all ears!" He replied. "Well, please can I have some combat lessons?" I asked. "Yeah, but how come?" He asked. I showed him the note and saw the expressions on his face change from cheerful, to concerned, to determined.

"Okay I get it, but we can't really tell anyone about the note." He said, passing the note back to me. "Meet me in the Funland in 5 minutes." He said, before climbing down the ladder. I followed him, waving goodbye to Stampy and to the Funland. As I was walking, I couldn't help but notice that I lost Lee. I started running, hoping that he didn't beat me to the funland.

As I was running past the golf course, I spotted Lee on the other side, with double weapons on him. We both turned the same corner and bumped into each other, a sword flying through the air. Everything went in slow motion. "Jax! Move now!" I heard Lee yell. I rolled over just as the sword was hitting the ground, and oh boy, I was glad I moved. Everything went faster again and I stood up, looking at the sword that could have killed me.

"Sorry Jax. I didn't meant too." Lee apologised. "Why are you sorry? It was my fault for turning the same corner." I said. "You sure?" He asked. "I'm sure." I replied. We walked to some open ground and Lee took off all his armour and left all the weapons on the ground.

"To know what I need to teach you, I need to see what you are capable of." Lee explained. "Ready?" He asked, holding his clenched fists up high. "Ready." I replied. I held my fists up, ready for an attack. I made the first move, making a punch to his stomach, but he was too fast and grabbed my fist that sent me flying through the air. I landed on my back, thankfully not getting hurt too much, and stood up. I pounced again at Lee, but this time he dodged and I landed with a thud on the ground.

"So, um.. what do you want to practise first?" Lee asked casually, as if nothing happened. "Haha, very funny." I grunted. "Actually, I want to see how strong you are." He said. He raised his hands in the 'I surrender' position for me to punch. "Punch as hard as you can, forget about me. Pretend that I'm someone you hate." He explained.
"Okay then." I said. I raised my fists and punched his left hand as hard as I could. He almost grabbed his hand in pain. "Ow! You really are strong. You must really hate the person you were thinking about." He laughed. "Sorry!" I apologised, worried that I might have hurt him a lot. "It's fine, I've gone through worse." He chuckled.
Time Skip
After many swings of a sword and many punches later, I thought that I was much better at my combat skills. "I think that's enough for today." Lee said, picking up all the other weapons from the ground. "But what about all of those?" I asked, passing my sword to him and pointing at the weapons. "We'll have to use them some other time." He replied. "Okay. See ya later!" I said, walking in the direction of Stampy's house.

Then I remembered that I had to practise with April for the music competition. "Aw, man!" I said to myself, before setting off at full speed to get to the house. When I got there, I ran to find April when I bumped into Amy. "Sorry! Have you seen April anywhere?" I asked her. "She's waiting for you so you can practise." Amy replied. "Thanks!" I said, before running again.

I found April looking at her music book with my guitar next to her. I got my breath back, and walked into the room. "Sorry I'm late!" I apologised. "Don't worry about it! I was just looking at a song for the competition. Tom said it's In 5 days, so we have to practise." She explained. "5 Days?!"
"We need to choose a song and practise it ASAP. After all, practise makes perfect!" I chuckled.

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