A whole new world

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April's POV
As we went through the portal, I hoped and hoped that everything was okay. But it wasn't.

The purple swirls of the Nether portal faded away and I saw the opposite of what I had hoped. Burning trees, dull skies and burnt down buildings.

"Oh no." I gasped. "I'm so sorry April!" Netty said, pulling me into a hug. "Guys! Come here! I found something!" Squid shouted, picking up a piece of paper. I ran over to him, Netty following close behind. "It's a note. From Hit the target. It says:
Dear MAC,
Yes, I know that MAC is reading this. I have teamed up with someone who knows April very well. His name is Damian. I want April to help me in my army against your own world, my whole plan from the beginning. I know that you probably won't give her up, which is why I will take her myself. Just you wait and see.
Hit The Target." Squid read, loud and clear. "Don't worry April, we won't let him take you." Squid assured me, but I was too focused on Damian.

How is Damian going to help HTT? He can't do anything...At least I hope not.

"Thanks." I replied, looking around at my ruined hometown. Then I remembered. "Guys, I think I know a place that isn't destroyed!" I said quickly. "Show us!" Netty begged. I started to run to the café I knew so well. It was completely ruined. I ran to the bar and crawled under it. Sure enough, it was there. The trapdoor.

"Guys, come on!" I shouted, gesturing them to come over. They ran over and crawled under the bar with me. "I'll go first." I said, opening the trapdoor and climbing down the ladder. I ran as fast as I could down the corridor and around the corner. I found it. The place I had spent almost all my time as a child.

"Jax found it first, then he told me and we hung around here." I said, walking to the small underground field. There was a tree with a swing, a fort made out of sticks and planks of wood and the treehouse. "April, it's amazing!" Netty said in shock, running over into the fort. "She's right, It is amazing, April. It's also very well hidden." Squid said. "Thanks, that means alot, but it wasn't just me. It was Jax as well, remember!" I reminded him.

"April, come over here a sec!" Netty called from the fort. "Coming! I replied, running to the fort and crawling inside. Netty was holding a book , but I couldn't see what book exactly. "I didn't know you were into music!" She giggled. "That-That's my music book?" I asked quietly. "Well, it says 'April's music book', so it must be!" She chuckled. "I heard the word music, what's happening here?" Squid asked. "I found April's music book!" Netty explained. She opened it and started flicking through the pages. "Hey! Don't look at that!" I laughed, taking the book from her hands before she read anything. "Please!" Netty begged with puppy dog eyes. "Maybe later!" I replied, crawling Out of the fort.

"The treehouse is pretty much Jax's. He always went in there when he didn't want me to see what he was doing." I explained, pointing to the tree house. "Want to go and check it out?" Squid asked.

"Sure, I guess." I replied. We ran over and climbed the ladder into the treehouse. It looked awesome! "Woah, Jax! I never knew that you were so good at decorating!" I giggled to myself. The walls were painted blue, there was a mini den of pillows in the corner, a shelf of books and a locked cupboard.

"Jax did this?" Squid asked in shock. "It looks like it! I only helped build it in the tree!" I giggled. Then I heard someone climbing up the ladder. "April? Squid? are you up-Whoa! This place is amazing!" Netty said, seeing the treehouse. "It sure is!" Squid agreed.

After a while of just sitting in the treehouse and talking about how great Jax was at decorating, we heard voices. "Quick! Hide in the den of pillows!" Netty whispered. We all crawled into the small space and listened.

"Well, it was lucky that we found the trapdoor! This place is amazing!" I heard someone say.

"Your right, luck is on our side today." The other guy replied. But then we heard some screams, a few splats, and footsteps running away and out of the underground field. Once I was sure that they were gone, I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Netty asked as I crawled out of the pillow den last. "M-Me and Jax made an intruder system! That's why this place was untouched completely!" I laughed. "Then how did the trap not set off when we came?" Squid asked. "Because Me and Jax made a certain path so that the traps don't set off!" I laughed again, starting to calm down.

"Ohh. Well, that's a great idea!" Netty laughed. "Thanks, it was hard work!" I replied, completely calmed down. "Shall we go now? I think we have found a great hiding place, but Sqaishey won't be able to find us!" Squid suggested. "Sure." Netty replied. "Let's go." I said. We walked out the way we came in, making sure we didn't set any traps off. We all ran back to where the portal was. There was one piece of obsidian missing.

"What are we going to do? There isn't any obsidian around here." Netty said. "Wait, there are mines around the corner! It goes all the way to obsidian, lapis, diamonds. And the best bit is that there is a minecart track going down!" I said quickly. "Come on then!" Squid laughed. I lead them to the mines but a pile of rocks blocked the entrance. "Well, I'm not suprised, Hit the target did some real damage." I said.

"Guys, you must promise that you won't tell anyone about what I'm about to do. Mainly Squid, because Netty... knows." I explained. "Netty knew before me?" Squid asked. "Yeah... it just kinda happened." Netty said. "It's okay, I don't get mad like that!" Squid laughed. "Great!" I replied.

I raised my hands and made the rocks fly to the left and out of the way, revealing the long minecart track down to Obsidian. "Wait, anyone have a pic axe?" Netty asked. "I do! Always diamond!" Squid said. "Great! Let's ride!" I said, getting into the minecart.

"There it is!" Netty said, pointing to the Obsidian on the wall. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that lava is behind it so you girls have to stand back!" Squid warned.

"No need, I'll hold it back." I suggested. Squid broke the Obsidian, picked it up, and I held back the lava for him to run. "Okay, let's get back to the portal!" Squid laughed, running towards the minecart. I followed him, with Netty close behind. When we got to the portal, we found that the Obsidian block was replaced. "How did- what- how is the Obsidian there? I'm pretty sure that it wasn't there before!" Netty said on shock. "Someone is messing with us. They know we're here." I said.

"Hide! The bush! Quick!" Squid whisper shouted, grabbing my wrist and pulling me behind the bush. "So, where are these headquarters you were talking about?" Damian asked. I gave Netty a confused look. "Well, you saw one. My castle." Someone else replied.
It was Hit The Target. So it was true. They have teamed up. After they walked past and were out of earshot, we ran to the portal. "We are NEVER coming here again. Unless we have to." Squid panted. I agreed and so did Netty. The purple swirls of the portal faded away and we found ourselves in Stampy's world again. "Wait a minute, how did Damian and HTT get back? They would have to get through the portal here..." I started. "Unless they have made another one." Netty suggested. "No. A Nether portal that leads to another world is very rare and if you do get one, you can only have the one in a world." Squid explained. "But how did they get past?" I asked. "I don't know. Let's go and find the others." Squid replied.

"Where are they? It's turning dark and we can't find anyone!" Netty asked. "We've looked everywhere, but there is always one place that we haven't looked." I said. We looked at Squid, who was pacing back and forth and muttering to himself. "That's it! The one place we haven't looked yet!" Squid said suddenly.

"Where?!" Netty and I asked in unison. "We haven't looked in the haunted mansion in the Funland!" Squid told us. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find our friends!" I said.

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