Water discoveries

324 11 14

Netty's POV
I looked at the clock on the wall sleepily: 9.57. I didn't realise how warm it was until I pulled down the covers of my bed. I sluggishly crawled out of bed and got changed. I picked out a checkered shirt with a black skirt and jumper when I had an idea. I pulled on my clothes and ran into April's room, to see she wasn't there. I turned back around and woke up Finnball, Lee, Salem and Mousie. They all gathered into my room and I told them my idea. "Since it's really warm outside, why don't we play a little water game?" I suggested. They all looked at me with puzzled looks. "Come on, let's go!" I laughed, and ran out the room, hearing soft footsteps stampeding after me. I ran to the lake and paused... Bad idea. Everyone slammed into me and I fell forwards into the lake. Luckily my reflexes were good so I landed in the lake with a dive.

"Ohmygosh Netty I'm so sorry we didn't mean to push you into the lake and ashruxnsjgl." Salem blurted out, making us all laugh. "Don't worry, my idea had us all jumping into the lake anyway." I replied. Finnball gave me a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. "CANNON BALL!" He helled, before curling up into a ball and jumping into the lake, sending waves on top of me, making my head go under the water for a second. I swam back a little further while pulling Finnball with me, as everyone else jumped in after. We all swam into a circle and nobody spoke. Until Lee broke the silence. "Silence speaks when nobody else does." He stated, making everyone roll their eyes playfully. "Seriously though, why did you want us in the water?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled mischievously. "So I can do this." I laughed, splashing water in his face because he was right next to me.

"Netty! That's cold! Bleugh!" He shouted, wiping his face with his hands and splashing water back at me. "Ooo this is fun I'm joining." Salem giggled, splashing water at Mousie, who splashed at Finnball. "Hey, hey! I never said I wanted in!" He scolded, but splashed water back at me. I wiped it off with my hand and looked around me. Some of my friends and a water fight. Perfect. This is how a day should go.

"Netty!" Lee yelled, snapping me out of my daydream. I was being pulled down by my ankles. He dived down to grab my hands but they slipped out of his grip. I looked down and saw a blurry figure wearing red and gold.

I mentally facepalmed for not doing anything sooner and I kicked his hand holding my right foot. They let go of my ankles but I choked on the water. I needed to get to the surface quick. I swam back up as fast as I could and resurfaced above the water. I started to sink while having a coughing fit when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me back up. They pulled me to the surface and put me on the ground.

I coughed all the water out of my lungs and looked around. It could have been anybody. They were all soaking wet and all looking concerned. "What?" I asked innocently. "You almost drowned!" Salem exclaimed, giving me a wet hug. "But I didn't!" I reminded her. "Thanks to my mystery saviour." I giggled. "What was it?" Mousie asked. I gave her a puzzled look. "I mean, what pulled you down?" She corrected. "I couldn't see with all the water in my eyes, but they were wearing red and gold." I explained. Lee looked like something clicked in his head. "Target. Duh." Lee said. "Well done, captain obvious." Finnball joked, clapping his hands slowly. I looked back at Lee who was on my other side. He just rolled his eyes, making me laugh a bit.

"Uh..uh..Netty?" Finnball said slowly. "Yeah?" I replied. Suddenly, Lee grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him, before a knife landed where my hand was. "Whoa." I whispered. The water started to turn from peaceful, to ripples, and something came to the surface. They landed on all fours, breathing heavily. I noticed he was wearing Targets clothes. I shot Lee a warning glance behind me and turned back to Target. "Well...I need to practise my breath holding." He panted before looking up and revealing a green mask. He stood up and pulled out his sword. He raised it before lowering it again. "Who am I kidding? I can't do this on my own." He laughed evilly.

I felt Lee being dragged out from behind me and I saw Mousie, Salem and Finnball being dragged towards things that looked like dementors. I was left on my own in the middle of the circle. "Looks like I won't be needing this anymore." He said, lowering his sword and grabbing my shirt, pulling me up towards his face. "Target! Let her go!" Lee's voice shouted behind me as I heard lots of footsteps behind me. I started to get nervous. "Not until she tells me something I need to know." Target replied. "And what's that?" I asked nervously. "TARGET! LET GO OF MY SISTER!" Stampy yelled behind me. I breathed a small sigh of relief as an arrow flew into Targets shoulder, making me drop to the ground with a thud.

"Ow! This isn't over!" Target growled, before jumping back into the water and not coming up. "Are you okay?" Lee asked, giving me a soaking wet hug. "How did you get wet again?" I asked. "Oh you know, I just kinda, fell in." He replied. I laughed a little, that explained the footsteps."Yeah, I'm fine, but up close that mask is terrifying." I giggled. I stood up, looking around for my brother when I finally spotted him playing with his bow sitting alone near the waters edge. "Be right back." I told Lee, running up to Stampy.

I crept up behind him, careful not to snap a twig or something stupid like that. "You know, with the friends we've got, you don't want to sit there unless your planning to go for a swim." I said, a drop of water falling from my chin onto his head and making him jump...Almost into the water. "Well, maybe it's nice to go for a swim once in a while." He replied. I sat down next to him my with my feet barely touching the water. "Thanks, by the way." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "You're my sister, don't thank me. Hey,hey,hey. I'm dry, your wet. I'm not planning on having a bath anytime soon." He replied. I looked at my clothes. "Are you serious? I'm not even going to get you the slightest bit wet!" I giggled. "Oh yeah? Then what do you call this?" He joked, pointing to a wet spot on his shoulder. "Err, that's a wet spot." I replied. Then I had an idea. "Hey, do you want a hug?" I asked cheekily. "Nope!" Stampy laughed.

He stood up, put his bow on his back really quickly and started to run along the edge of the river. I chased him as fast as I could, my clothes drying in the wind to my disappointment. As I was running, I had a big burst of speed, Stampy just a few feet infront of me so I used it. As I was running, I saw a purple sparkle in the river. I slowed to a stop and walked backwards, hoping I wasn't seeing things. I saw a purple gem in the river. Being curious, I went to pick it up to look at it, but went a bit too far and almost fell in head first if it wasn't for Lee...again. He pulled me back up just as I pulled the gem from the water. "I can't stop helping you today, can I?" He smirked. I laughed a little and turned the gem around in my fingers.

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