The rescue

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Stampy's POV
We made it! Outside HTT'S lair, we huddled. "Kay, let's think this out." Squid said. "We will go in, and find the cell that the girls are in. Stamps, have you still got the tracker?" He said. "Yeah, I do. It says that they are close." I replied. Just then I heard someone yell. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" It was Amy. "That's Amy!" Tom said. "We know we're close now!"
"Let's go in" I said. We all lifted our swords and walked towards the entrance to HTT'S lair.
Tom's POV
As we made our way to HTT'S lair, my stomach couldn't help but do cartwheels. "Stay close." Squid said, holding his sword up. Then, we heard footsteps. "Someone's coming! Quick, hide!" I yelled in a whisper. We all hid behind the wall and waited for the person to leave.
Stampy's POV
Found them!... Or her.
I found my sister, but not in the greatest way. "Where are we going?" I heard a girl say. I immediately recognised the voice. Netty. I looked at Squid and Tom with a worried look on my face. "Let's go." Squid mouthed when Netty had passed. I wonder who she was talking to. No, I already know. Hit the target. We went in the opposite direction to where Netty passed and came across Sqaishey and Amy. In a cell. Their backs were turned from us and they were talking amongst themselves, which was perfect.

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