I dare you to...

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Jax's POV
"Ash! We dare you to actually do the Ice bucket challenge!" Salem announced. "Your not serious?! In the middle of the night?!" Ash replied. "It was your idea to play truth or dare! AND you chose dare." Salem said. "Fine!" He whined.
----Time skip to Ice Bucket challenge----
"Wait! Before we start, I want to film this!" April giggled before running back inside to get a camcorder. "So... you and April, huh?" Ash joked as he walked up to me. "Well.. I don't know. She had a boyfriend in our world but she broke up with him because he well, let's just say he wasn't a very nice person." I explained. "So, It could be you and her?" He asked cheekily. "Maybe." I replied before April came running outside with a camcorder. "Okay! I'm ready!" She giggled. "Go on! Don't be shy!" I joked to Ash. "Who's going to dump the water on me? I'm not!" He asked. "I will!" I laughed. We walked over to the bucket and stood behind Ash. "Start filming April!" I said, holding the bucket in my hands. "Okay...Go!" She replied. I poured the bucket of water over Ash's head.
Ash's POV
"Cold!" I yelled as the freezing cold water ran down my back. I still laughed, it was funny. But cold. VERY COLD! Everyone was on the floor laughing but April who was filming. She was giggling like crazy though. "Why did I agree to this?!" I laughed, taking the towel that Jax was giving to me.

"Because it's fun!" He replied, giving me a pat on the back. "Let's go inside and spin the bottle!" Squid laughed, running inside with everyone following him. "Ash. Spin the bottle!" Stampy said, as I spun the bottle and it landed on Squid. "Squid!" Truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth! He replied.

"Um... If you had to choose to either Not eat cookies for the rest of your life or to only eat Fruit and vegetables for the rest of your life, what would you choose?" I asked, saying the first thing that came to my mind. "Well, that's easy! I would rather not eat cookies." Squid replied.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Salem. "Salem, Truth or dare?" Squid asked. "Truth! I know you guys!" She laughed. "Okay then. Is it true that you and Ash are together?" Squid chuckled.

"Er..uh..." She stuttered, turning red. "Yes..." She said quietly. "I knew it!" Squid laughed. Salem spun the bottle and it landed on April. "April, Truth or Dare?" Salem asked. "Dare!" April answered. "April. I dare you to choose the next game!" Salem laughed. "Well, we could always play hide and seek? Or tag?" April suggested.

"I'm up for hide and seek." I replied. "Okay, then. Hide and seek it is!" Salem laughed. "Who's the seeker?" Tom asked. "Me! Please be me!" Sqaishey said loudly. "Okay. Sqaishey, count to 50 and then come and find us." Salem said. "Okay! 1..2..3.." Sqaishey started, turning around to face the wall. We all got up and ran out the door, this time not getting stuck.
April's POV
I didn't know where to hide. I haven't been in this world for long and so I have no idea where the best hiding places are. I took off running in a random direction. After a while, I saw a massive castle come into view. I saw someone pacing back and forth in front of the door. I ran behind the closest bush to have a closer look at the guy pacing back and forth. But I knew who it was.


My ex boyfriend. I broke up with him because I could never forgive him for what he did.

How could Damian get here? He was in my world!

But then I remembered.
----Flash back----
"Well, there's something wrong with the Nether portal." Squid explained. "We were going to the Nether to get blaze powder when we didn't go to the Nether. Instead, we ended up in a whole other world." He continued. "Did the world look like a city?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" He asked. "Because that's my world." I said, before running to the front of the group to find Netty.
----End of flashback----
I got up to talk to Damian when I felt somebody grab my wrist. "Don't go into that castle! That's Hit the targets castle!" Netty whispered, pulling me back into the bush. "But why does he have one in Stampy's world?" I whispered back. "Because back when Stanpy first started his world, He was friends with HTT. Until HTT took Stampy's dogs to make an army. Stampy hasn't trusted him since." Netty explained. "Oh." I replied. "But what I don't know is who that guy pacing is." She said. "I do. His name is Damian. He's my ex boyfriend. I broke up with him because he wasn't very nice to other people." I explained. "Like a bully?" Netty asked. "Yes. And I think I know how he got here." I replied. "How?" She asked. "Come with me." I said, grabbing her hand.

We ran to the Nether portal as quick as we could, hoping that we could find out how Damian got here so he can't come back. I didn't want to see him ever again. "April? Netty?" I heard Squid say. We turned around and saw Squid coming out from around the corner. "Squid! Great! I need help. And I need it fast." I said, pulling Squid towards the Nether portal.

"What?" He asked quickly. "You know when you told me about the problem with the Nether portal?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" "I'll explain later. Can you still remember where it is?" I asked. "I think it's over here." Squid said, walking over to the portal and standing on the left. "Come on!" He shouted. I grabbed Netty's hand and pulled her into the portal with Squid.

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