Final Rehearsals

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New time skip thing: This time skip to the day before the music competition is brought to you by the_lightning_bolt_8 and i_love_katz for always commenting on every chapter I post. XD

April's POV
The music competition was tomorrow. Tomorrow?! The song we were going to sing was Everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. "I think that you are going to blow their minds!" Jax smiled, giving me a pat on the back.

"So will you! It's not just me, it's a duet. I laughed. We practised the song 4 times to make sure that Jax is okay with the guitar. "I think that's enough practise for today!" I laughed, my throat was feeling a bit sore, but all I had to do was drink some water and I'll be fine again.

"Okay. Where are you going?" I asked, picking up my music book and placing it on the shelf. "Oh..I'm going to... er.. the pick a pet pet shop with Lee!" He stuttered, before practically running out the room. He disappeared a lot these days, so I decided to follow him. It was a bit dark, so he couldn't see me. I followed him until he reached the Funland and stopped. I hid behind the nearest tree and watched.

Lee came about 3 minutes later, holding all sorts of weapons. He dropped the weapons and gave a sword to Jax and he picked up another for himself. Then they started to battle. At first, I was a little comfused, but then I realised that they were practising. No, Jax was practising. Lee was already amazing at combat, and Jax was almost equally as good, blocking all the hits and throwing in some really good swings. When they were having a break, I started to make my way back to the house. When I was near the post office, I bumped into Netty. "Hi! What are you doing out here?" I asked in suprise. "Hi! I was going to ask you the same thing." She replied. "I was just going for a walk, what about you?" I asked. "I was looking for you!" She laughed. "Really?! How come?" I asked. "I wanted to ask you how the practise was going." she said. "I think it's going pretty well, I'm just ridiculously nervous." I said nervously.

"You'll do fine! I know it!" She encouraged. "Thanks! That made me feel better." I smiled. "Hey, are you good at combat?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty good...Not Lee standard good, but I can fend off Googlies and stuff." She explained. "Cool. I can only throw a few punches and kicks." I giggled. "I can quickly show you a few moves if you like!" She said suddenly. "Yes please!" I said quickly. Netty pulled me over to a clear patch of land, and showed me some awesome moves with a sword. "Woah! You're a fast learner!" She said. "Thanks." I giggled. "We better get back to bed. The competition is tomorrow, and we don't want to be late!" She said, and then started to giggle. A lot. "Race Ya!" She giggled. "Not this again!" I said while running as fast as I could. Just before I reached the door to Stampy's house, I tripped over something and almost face planted into the floor. Almost. Luckily my magic stopped me from hurting my face.

"Are you okay?" Netty panted, when she finally caught up with me. "Yep, I'm fine!" I replied. We both walked back Into the library where Amy, Stampy and Squid were. Their backs were turned, so I looked up at Netty and she gave me a nod. I tiptoed towards Squid, who was in the middle. "BOO!" I shouted. They all somehow jumped In all different directions and screamed at the Same Time. "April! Don't ever do that!" Stampy laughed, recovering from his fright. Netty walked over giggling and helped him up. "That scared me!" Squid and Amy said at the same time. "Sorry! I just came with Netty. Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing." I apologised. "It's fine, we were just looking at the music competition website." Squid explained. Suddenly I felt very tired. "Guys, I'm going to bed." I said sleepily. "Okay. Goodnight!" Netty said after she gave me a quick hug. "Night!" I replied, before running to my bedroom.

I got changed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I wonder how well tomorrow is going to go. Are we going to be the winning act? Or will we embarrass ourselves? I guess we will just have to find out.

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