The rescue plan

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Tom's P.O.V
Me, Stampy, and Squid were in the inspiration room. Making a plan for the rescue of the girls. "First, we need to find out why he took them." Said Squid. "No, we don't. I know why." Stampy quickly answered. "We destroyed him when he was taking my dogs, now he wants his revenge." He explained. "Wait, if you guys destroyed him, then how did he come back?" I asked him. "Well, it's a long story." Squid said. "I guess you better tell me, then. So I can keep up with the story." I told him. Squid looked at Stampy and Stampy nodded at him. "Well, long before he starting invading Stampy's lovely world, he made a device that whenever someone had it and actually knew HTT, They had to make a special liquid and put the device in it. Then it made HTT alive again. When it was complete, the device went back into HTT'S pocket, ready to either be used, or destroyed." Squid explained. "Doesn't that mean that if we destroy the device, we could kill HTT once and for all?" I asked. "Yes. The device is called ' Resserector'" said Stampy. "It looks like a blue spaceship." "Okay. Let's get to work on this plan shall we?" I said. They both agreed.
__Time Skip__
"So, let's go over this plan again, shall we?" Stampy asked us. We had just come up with what we thought was the best rescue/battle plan ever. "Okay so, we are going to use the tracker in Sqaishey's necklace she was wearing, right Stamps?" Said Squid. "What tracker?" I asked Stampy. "Sqaishey knew that HTT wasn't gone for good, so she always wore a tracker in her necklace so I could find her if something did happen." Stampy explained. "Okay, then we find the entrance and break in undetected. Once we do, we will find the girls and get them out of wherever they are. If we are detected, then it's a good thing we would have brought our diamond swords. But we WILL save them." Said Squid. "Yes. Best plan ever!" Stampy and I said together. Then we just looked at each other with a we-will-win look.

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