Fun and Games

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Amy's POV
An arrow flew past my head and hit the wall behind me. I turned around to see it wedged in the wall between Squid and Stampy. Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind the couch. I got up and saw April pull Stampy and Squid down next to me. She signalled to be quiet so we did while Ash somehow got next to April. A hooded figure walked into the room and retrieved his arrow. Then I remembered. "Err...Stampy? Where did we put the Resserector?" I whispered. He gave me a worried look before shrugging his shoulders. "Pew!" Squid squeaked, pretending to shoot a gun. I rolled my eyes at him an poked my head above the couch. I saw a glow of blue in the corner behind the TV. The figure was facing the other direction away from us and the blue glow. I elbowed April in the ribs lightly and she gave me a what-was-that-for? look and I pointed to the blue glow. She nodded and looked around for something on the ground. I was confused for a second but she found a random stone and picked it up. She threw it over the couch and it clattered to the ground.

"What was that?! Who's there?!" Target shouted, looking around the room to see who threw the stone. "They're going to regret this." He muttered, before storming into the kitchen. "Quick! Go!" Squid whisper shouted. I jumped over the couch, grabbed the Resserector box and ducked back behind just in time before Target came back in. He poked around the room a bit more before looking in the place the Resserector actually was, making me glad we had it. "Ugh. I'll come back another time and find it." He said to himself, before disappearing into thin air.

We all stood up from behind the couch and exchanged puzzled looks when April looked like she remembered something. "Where did Jax go?" She asked worridly, before running out the door. I shoved the box into Squid's arms and ran after her. We walked literally 5 steps out the door and saw Jax hiding in the shadows. "He's gone." I stated. "Phew. I almost thought he saw me for a second." He laughed. "But he'll be back." I continued, walking away and leaving Jax confused.

"April! I found Jax!" I yelled, immediately regretting it after realising that everyone was asleep and I probably woke them all up. "So did I!" I heard the reply. I walked back into the room, and sat on the couch as normal before saying casually, "Where were we?" They all laughed and sat down with me. "I believe we were asking you if you wanted a truth or a dare." Squid smirked. "Oh yeah.." I replied. "Can we play a different game now?" I asked. They all nodded while I came up with an idea. "I know! Why don't we play 'Daredevil'?" I asked.

(I don't actually know what it's called so don't yell at me in the comments XD)

Daredevil is a game where someone who isn't playing, in this case April, writes two sets of numbers from 1 to 10 and gets 5 nice foods and 5 gross foods. The person who wrote the numbers writes the food they have to eat on the other side, and place it on the table, number side up. The other number goes in a cup. For example, if one of the nice foods was a Hershey and she wanted it to be a number 6, she would put a number 6 on the table with number 6 face up and the name 'Hershey Chocolate' on the other side. Then she puts a number 6 in the cup. Those are the rules. "Yeah! APRIL!! WE NEEEEEED YOOOOOU!" Ash replied. Heavy footsteps were heard as April and Jax raced into the room. "Can I watch you guys with whatever you're doing?" He panted. "Sure. April, do you know how to play Daredevil?" Squid asked. "I played it when I was younger! Can I be the writer?" She exclaimed. We all nodded and Jax raced into the kitchen, coming back out later with an armful of food. "Right. The 5 nice foods I have are: Honey, cake, cookies, chocolate and an apple." Jax explained. "CAAAKKKEEE!" Stampy squealed, causing a few laughs among the group.

"And the disgusting food I have: Vegemite, Mayo, Anchovies, Hot sauce and tuna." He continued, passing April a piece of paper and a pen.

April's POV
I divided the paper into 20 parts, writing two sets of numbers to 10. I took one set of numbers and stuffed them into a plastic cup that Jax gave me, and wrote on the back of the other set of numbers the food that was going to be eaten. I put them on the table, number face up and waited for the game to begin. "Who goes first?" Ash asked. "Me!" Amy laughed, excited for the game. Jax held out the cup and Amy reached into it and pulled out a number. "8." She said. She walked over to the table and picked up the number 8 on it. "Yay! Honey!" She giggled. I picked up the jar of honey and gave it to her with a spoon. She took a small spoonful and ate it. "Yummy." She smiled. "Me next!" Squid called out, dashing towards the cup. He picked out the next number. "3." He read. He walked over to the 3 on the table. When he turned it over, his expression changed from happy to nervous. "Uh...Mayo." He stuttered. I gave him a spoon and he squirted some of the Mayo on to it. As the spoon was going to his mouth, he hesitated. "Do I have to?" He asked. We all nodded and he hastily stuffed the spoon into his mouth. To be honest, he looked like he just had a sour sweet or something.

"Whoa! Mayo on it's own is not great!" He stated. "My turn!" Ash cried out. "Not too loud, remember." Amy reminded him. He nodded and took a number from the cup. "7." He read. He walked over to the number 7 on the table and made an 'ew!' face. "I got apple..." He moaned. "That's supposed to be a good thing!" Amy giggled. Ash shrugged his shoulders and took a big bite of the apple. "Hmm.. actually..." He said, taking another bite. "Told you!" Amy laughed. Stampy walked forwards and stuffed his hand in the cup to take a number. He pulled out the piece of paper and smiled. "4! My lucky number!" He laughed. He picked up the number 4 on the table and frowned. "But not so lucky this time. I got anchovies." He sighed. He picked an anchovy from the tin and ate it whole! He scrunched up his face in disgust and retched. "Bleh! That is soooo gross! How do people eat these? There's hair on it!" He moaned. Everyone groaned in disgust. "You're a cat! You're supposed to LIKE fish!" Amy exclaimed, prodding his chest with a sneaky smile. "Not with hair on!" He whined. We all laughed and it was Amy's turn again. "1" she said nervously, striding towards the number 1 on the table. "Hot sauce." She mumbled. She walked over to it, took off the cap and took a huge mouthful. Everyone's jaws dropped. "Amy! How do you do that?!" Squid exclaimed, as Amy's face slowly turned red but she showed no sign of her mouth burning. She shrugged her shoulders and sat back down on the couch, smiling widely. "Have you seen the time?" Squid asked. I looked at the clock. "10.36. Where is everyone else?" I asked. "I don't know, but we're about to find out." Jax replied.
Hey guys! So I have a question: Shall I write a book called the fandom games? The point is that I have two Fandoms each chapter, and I tell you reasons why they are good. I'll then put two comments with each of the fandom names on it, then you guys can reply to those comments to see which one wins. I'll put the winner of the previous chapter at the beginning of the next. What do you think? Comment yes or no.

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