The secret

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Netty's POV
I was so happy to be home, with the people I love. "We will get revenge on Hit the Target, Netty. No one kidnaps my Sister and friends and gets away with it!" Stampy said to me, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks Stampy. It's nice to know that HTT won't get away with it." I replied. "By the way, did you know that April was in the same room as you?" He asked. "No, I didn't. She did a really good job of keeping quiet. I think she revealed herself just because she couldn't take the battle. I'll go and talk to her tomorrow and see how she's doing." I explained to Stampy. "That's a great idea. Maybe we should get some sleep now though." He replied. "Yeah, okay. Night Stamps!" I said, walking out the room. "Goodnight Netty!" He replied.

I went back to my room. My room is next to the guest room which April is sleeping in. I got into my bed but I heard some sniffling coming from April's room. I got up from my bed and knocked on the door. "April? Can I come in?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." She sniffed. I walked into her room and saw her on her bed, her eyes red and puffy. "Are you okay, April?" I asked.

"Ermm... err... Yes?" She replied. I stood up and shut the door and sat next to her. "April, if anythings wrong, you can tell me." I explained. "Err.... well..... I'm just upset that I put you guys through all this. And now that I'm here, all of you are In Danger." She replied. "What do you mean, In Danger?" I asked. "Oh.. It's hard to explain." She said, rubbing her eyes. "I'll understand, don't worry. I won't tell anyone." I assured her. "Promise?" She asked. "Promise." I said.

April stood up and looked at me. "Do you like chocolate?" She asked me. "Yes, of course!" I replied excitedly. She raised her hand and closed it. When she opened her hand again, some pretty sparkles flew around her hand and Chocolate appeared. "Whoa! Cool!" I said, probably a bit too loud. "shh! No one can know!" She whisper shouted. "Oops! Sorry!" I said. "I can make almost anything appear" She said."Is this why you were at hit the targets lair as well?" I asked causiously. "Yeah..." She replied. "Want to talk about it tomorrow?" I asked. "Sure! That would make me feel a lot better, Thanks!" She replied. "maybe we should get some sleep." I added, looking at the time. It was already 1:05 AM. "Okay. Night Netty!" She said. "Goodnight April." I said, walking out and shutting the door behind me. I got into my bed and tried to sleep.


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