The purple darkness

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April's POV
I woke up to see purple. Purple darkness. Nothingness. It was like a Nether portal, except it goes on forever. I stood up and looked around. "Hello?! Is anyone here?!" I shouted. "Yes, April. I am here." Said a voice. "See, I am now in your mind, I've made you pass out." It said. "And it's not the first time." It continued. "What do you mean 'not the first time'?" I asked suspiciously. "Well, you see this cat right here?" It asked, the swirly purple darkness turning white and revealing Stampy in the hospital, with me on the bed. I felt my stomach doing cartwheels. "Yes...." I replied. "I've done this on him before, that's why he looks so worried." It explained. "But who are you anyway?" I asked cautiously. "I am Hit The Target, AKA HTT." He said. "So your the one who took me?" I asked. "Yes, I am." He replied. "Why?" I asked again.
"Your powers." He said.
I couldn't take it. I turned around and started running, running as fast as I could to get away from the voice. "Ha, don't you see? I'm a voice, not a person! You can't run away from me here." He said. I felt tears rolling down my cheek and I quickly wiped them away.

Was Stampy worried about me? Has it really happened to him before? What does it mean? Will I wake up?

All these thoughts were swirling around in my head. I kept running, hoping to wake up. Then I hit a wall. An invisible wall. It just looked like white eternity in front of me. I fell backwards holding my head in pain. Then I felt my eyes closing and then I heard voices. My vision was blurry and I saw white again. "She's waking up!" I heard someone say. It sounded like Netty. "Netty...?" I asked quietly. "April! Open your eyes more!" Netty said quickly, grabbing my hand. I opened my eyes properly and my vision got clearer. I sat up and saw Stampy pacing up and down the hospital room with a worried look on his face. "Stampy!" I said loudly so he could hear me. "April!" He replied, looking up and running over.

"What happened?" I asked frantically, while Stampy pulling me into a tight hug. "I was so worried." He said calmly. "I'll tell you all about it later." I replied, hugging him back, Letting go of Netty's hand. I pulled away, looking around the room. It was only Netty and Stampy. "Where is everyone else?" I asked Netty. "Their all in the waiting room. Do you want me to get them?" She asked. I nodded my head yes, as Netty ran out the room to get them. When she left, I still wanted to know why that happened to me. "Stampy, Why were you so worried about me? You don't even know me properly." I asked him. "Because It happened to me before. I know you well enough and I didn't want it to happen-" He said before Netty burst into the room and interrupted him with everyone behind her.

"She's over there!" I heard her say to everyone. "Talk later." He whispered. I still have to talk to Netty later as well, so I'm going to have to talk to her quickly. Just then, everyone came into the room and I saw someone who I thought was long gone.

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