The battle plan

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Amy's POV

"I'm going to train." April said after we ate. "I'll come as well. HTT proved that he was wayyy stronger than me." Jax added. Then we were left with Me, Netty, Stampy, Squid, Rosie, Ash, Lee, Salem, Sqaishey and Finnball. "Well, I'm bored... What do you wanna do?" Netty asked. "I wanna do a challenge!" Ash pouted. "Okay, what challenge then?" Stampy asked.

"We could do a different version of the rubber band challenge!" I said. "What do you mean?" Salem asked. "I mean that instead of putting the rubber bands on our faces, we could sling them and see who gets it the longest distance away." I explained.

"Okay, I'm going to get rubber bands!" Finnball laughed. He ran out and came back in with 9 rubber bands. I took some paper and cut it into a line. I put the paper on the floor and gave out the rubber bands. "Stand behind the line and sling your rubber bands across the room." I instructed, walking to the back of the line. Ash went first with his yellow rubber band. It didn't go very far. "Oh well." He shrugged. Then it was Netty with her purple band, Finnball with his yellow and purple band, Stampy with his orange and white rubber band, Sqaishey with her yellow and orange band, Salem with her brown rubber band and then me with my pink band. I let the band go, and about halfway it changed direction and hit Jax in the face with a slap. April who was standing next to him, was trying to hold in her laughter. She had a cut across her cheek. Probably from the rubber band.

"That's all I need right now!" Jax laughed sarcastically. "You guys were quick!" Stampy laughed. "Well...Let's just say that we got a LOT of practise out of it." Jax said, scratching the back of his neck. Then like magic, the rubber band lifted off the floor and joined the others on the floor. April wasn't doing it. I looked at everybody else and saw Ash blushing before running out the room. April stopped laughing and ran after him. Salem started to run, but I held her back. "We'll let them talk. I think April knows a bit more about this situation then we do." I told her. She nodded and relaxed.

Ash's POV
Wait... what did I just do?! And why did I do it? I'm such an idiot. I felt myself go red and about 24 pairs of eyes on me. I felt guilt rise in my stomach and I ran to my room. I never told anyone because I was too guilty. Was this it? The time when everyone finally finds out? Or just one person? I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. "Ash! Wait!" It was April.

How was I supposed to explain to her? What I did? I ran into my room, slammed the door and started pacing up and down. What I did was wrong and I don't know how to change it.

I heard the door open and close. "Ash? What was that? You can tell me...I won't judge."April whispered. I stopped pacing and looked at her. "I can't tell you." I said, before sitting on the edge of my bed. "You can. You have powers and you didn't want anyone to know. I understand, that was my situation... before I learnt that everyone in this world doesn't care about who you are or if you're...different." She explained. I felt even more guilty because she was so supportive. " don't get it. I wasn't born with my powers like you. I was on my own in the funland... and guess who came for a surprise visit? That's right, HTT. All I can remember is him walking up to me, blackness, and then I saw you in front of him. When he walked up to me and told me what I did... I couldn't forgive myself. When you weren't there, he threatened to hurt you... so I told him what he needed to know. I've kept it a secret ever since and that's how I got my powers, he gave them to me. That's also why I was so nervous when I first saw you." I explained nervously.

I glanced at her and saw that she was shocked. I didn't blame her. "Oh... I thought I knew you from somewhere!" She replied. "But what are we gonna do? I mean, we need a plan" I said. I felt that I needed to finish what I started... but be on the good side this time. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I added. "Why?" She asked. "Because there's always that one person that overreacts to everything." I replied.

"Oh. Okay. This is a secret just between the two of us. And so is the battle plan. Meet up later in the clubhouse?" She asked. "Yep. If we're gonna do this plan, then it's better if we do it alone... I don't want anyone to get hurt." I answered. April stood up and walked over to the door. "In two hours." She said, and walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts. After about 20 seconds, she ran back in. " you have a tissue?" She asked, holding her cheek. I nodded and gave her a tissue from my bathroom. I had no idea that I had them, so don't ask. She thanked me and walked back out.

I got to thinking: Hit The Target has tried everything to get to us, but failed. But the thing is, at the music competition, he sort of just gave up. What villain does that?

After about an hour and a half of hard thinking by myself, I finally came up with a battle plan to suggest to April: We both go out in the middle of the night to Hit The Targets castle and watch what happens for a bit before deciding the best way in. Once we're in, we find HTT and confront him and Damian.

I looked at the clock and saw I had 25 minutes to meet April in the clubhouse. I walked out of my room and into the clubhouse early, and found April sitting at the table, her head in her hands. I tip toed behind her and stood there for 25 minutes, since I had nothing else to do.
|Time Skip for 25 minutes|

"I'm right on time!" I laughed, pulling a chair out and sitting on it. April looked up surprised, and looked at the time. "Whoa."

I explained the plan I came up with in a whisper and waited for her reply. "That does seem like a good plan...But Damian knows me even better then I know myself." She said. "That's a bit creepy, isn't it?" I joked. She laughed, but nervously. "Now, what's wrong?" I asked, getting serious. "Nothing. I'll get to work with finding out the best day for the plan. It's great, by the way." She said, walking out.

"Hey Ash? Can I join?"
Hey guys! Sorry that the chapter has taken so long to write! I would just like to say thanks for over 9k reads!

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