A Mystery Uncovered

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Ash's POV
"Hey Ash? Can I join?" Asked a voice.
Wait... did they hear the entire battle plan? I guess I have no choice really. I turned around and saw a silhouette in the corner. They walked forward a little and I saw Tom. "Tom? Is that you?" I asked cautiously, in case I was wrong. "No, I'm Thomas the tank engine. Of course I'm Tom!" He replied sarcastically.

"How long have you been there?" I asked. "I heard the whole thing. Geez, you guys must really hate Hit The Target." He joked. I rolled my eyes. "Do the others know you're here?" I asked. "Nope, but I don't want them to know yet, so don't tell them." He replied. "Well, I'm glad you're here." I said happily. "Well, that's good to know!" He laughed.

|Time Skip shoutout goes to the_lightning_bolt_8 for giving me the next challenge idea!|

I was now back in the clubhouse, and I explained to Tom just how he would appear. "Let's have another challenge, just for fun!" I suggested mischievously.

"Umm... Then what about the cinnamon challenge?" Jax asked jokily, (say that five times really fast!!) but a wide grin spread across my face. "You know, that is an awesome idea!" I snickered. "No! I was joking, I did NOT mean it, please forget it!" Jax pleaded, but he couldn't help but smile a bit. "We are ALL doing it, and THATS final!" I announced, grabbing someone's arm and dragging him toward the kitchen. "Wrong person!" They yelled in my ear.

"Sorry Stampy!" I replied, dragging him BACK and snatching Jax's arm instead.

"Ash! Let me go!" Jax groaned, desperate to leave my grip. "Nope!" I replied laughing. "Wait for us!" I heard April scream behind me. "Another no!" I said again, reaching the door of the kitchen and throwing it open. "You have arrived at your destination." I said, mocking a Satellite Navigation system. "Who's gonna eat the teaspoon?" Jax asked hesitantly.
"No one is! Are you Cra-azy?! No, we are all going to eat the Cinnamon OFF the teaspoon." I replied jokily. "Stampy! Get the cinnamon!"

Netty's POV
We all lined up along the counters and held the teaspoons filled with cinnamon in front of us. "On the count of three. ready?" Ash asked, separating his legs apart a bit and bending down. We nodded our heads and got ready ourselves. "One...Two...THREEEE!!" He yelled, shovelling the teaspoon into his mouth. We all followed his actions. "HHHOOOONNNKK!!" An AIRHORN sounded?! I coughed and spluttered and turned my head just as the dust flooded out of my mouth, sending cinnamon settling on Squid's face, causing him to spit it all over me. I shrieked in surprise but laughed after I wiped it off of my mouth. Amy saw and coughed all over Stampy from laughing, who sneezed on Lee, who choked it up on Ash, who spat it into the sink. Jax and April were laughing, but somehow managed to keep the cinnamon in their mouths, Until Stampy tickled April's chin causing her to cough it up all over Jax, and the same thing back to her.

"Right! Who did that?!" I asked chuckling, rinsing my face in the sink. "I did." A young male voice said behind me. It couldn't be. "Tom? Is that you?" I asked unsurely, turning around. "That's what I said!" Ash sounded from the end of the line. "No, I'm sorry, I'm Thomas the Tank engine. If course I'm Tom!" He yelled jokily. "He said that to me too!" Ash squealed, just like a teenage girl. "Ash! Knock it off!" I shouted loudly, chucking a flannel at him from the sink. "Hey!" He replied, with a pretend annoyed voice.

"Tom! I'm so glad it's you!" I giggled, giving him a small, quick hug. "Well... I wasn't expecting this!" He laughed. "Welcome back to the family Tom!" Stampy yelled happily, his arms out wide to signal a group hug. "Clean up first kitty!" Sqaishey said out of nowhere, chucking him a small towel. "How come you're not covered in cinnamon Sqaishey?" I asked curiously. "I succeeded, with the help of water if course!" She giggled. "All right, group hug!" Jax said suddenly, and we all obeyed. The family was back and it was a great feeling.

"Heello! I can't breathe!" Said a muffled voice. Everyone stopped hugging to see Squid breathing heavily. "You guys are really strong together!" He laughed.

April's POV
When I cleaned myself up from the cinnamon, I worked out what day I could carry out the battle plan with Ash. I walked down the corridor and knocked on his door. "Come in." He said. I opened the door and sat on the bed next to him.

"I worked out what day we're going to do the battle plan." I whispered, in case anyone walked by and heard me. "When?" He whispered back. "Tomorrow at midnight." I replied. "Okay. We both better get ready then." He said. We can't get this wrong.
Cliff hanger! Sorry guys! What do you think is going to happen? While you make your predictions, I'm going to write the next chapter!

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