Chapter 19

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Yuna's POV

I ran into the park and practically collapsed on one of the benches. Like I had said a while ago, I'm not a long-distance runner. I'm going to need to take a long break.

"Yuna?" I jump when I hear my name.

"Mr. Kang? What are you doing here?"

"I take Perro on walks every day after school." (I know Perro is Lee Seunggi's dog, but I think the name is so cute)

Perro walks up to me and jumps onto my lap. He starts licking my face uncontrollably.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Yuna. He has no sense of personal space." He struggles to pull Perro off of me, even though I don't mind the puppy kisses. "Wait, why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?"

"It's okay, I'm fine. I just needed to get away for a little while." More like I was kicked out.

"Well, you're always welcome at my house if you need a better place to get away."

"In that case, if it's not too much to ask, could I stay at your place tonight? I don't think I'm ready to go back home yet."

"Of course, you can. As long as it's okay with your dad." Oh, right. He doesn't know that I've been staying at Minjae's.

"Believe me; he won't care."

Mr. Kang and I walk through the park for a while then head for his house. I've been there a few times with the team. We've had a lot of parties at his place.

"You can stay in Sanghee's room. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Sanghee is Mr. Kang's daughter. She graduated when I was a freshman. She was always very nice to me. "She left a few of her clothes in her closet. You can use them since you didn't bring anything with you."

"Thank you."

"Oh, and Mrs. Kang is away on a business trip. So it will be just you, me, and Perro. I was going to order pizza for dinner. Is that okay with you?"

"That's perfect."

"Good, let me know if you need anything." Mr. Kang leaves me in Sanghee's room and goes to order dinner.

A few minutes after he leaves, my phone starts buzzing. I pull it out of my pocket and see that Minjae's mom is calling me.

"Mrs. Soyoon?" (I gave her a name!)

"Yuna, is everything okay? I thought you didn't have practice today. Why aren't you at home?"

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Soyoon. I should have called you earlier. I'm staying at Mr. Kang's tonight."

"Did anything happen?"

"No, everything's fine. We're just doing track things." I genuinely hate lying to her.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was so worried about you. And Minjae isn't talking to me for some reason. I was afraid it had something to do with you."

"I'm not sure what's wrong with Minjae. Maybe he needs some space for a little bit." Another lie.

"Maybe you're right. Well, I'll leave you to do track things."

"Okay. Bye, Mrs. Soyoon."

"Bye, dear."

She hangs up the phone, leaving me in uncomfortable silence.

A/N: Hello everyone. How have all of you been? I'm so ready for spring break. I need to catch up on a lot of sleep. Also, I DON'T WANT CHANYEOL TO LEAVE!!!!! Exo is the only group that I stan that has members in the military, as of right now. I'm still not used to the Korean enlistment laws. So, I'm sad. Anywho, I hope you guys are all well. And, don't forget to stay happy and healthy!

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