Chapter 16

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Time Skip To I Have No Idea When

3rd Person POV

The last few weeks fly by fast. Many practices and a few tournaments have passed. The team has gotten even stronger than before, pushing themselves to speeds they never thought possible. But it wasn't just their speed that improved. Their bond with each other was unbreakable. They had all become brothers and sisters to each other. Well, other than Yuna and Jungkook. They had become inseparable. The two spent as much with each other as possible. But of course, Yuna and Jungkook were too stubborn to see that they liked each other.

Jungkook got closer to Minjae and even invited him to sit with the team at lunch so that he won't be alone. And Minjae gladly accepted and finally gained more friends. Jungkook also dragged Yuna to the park every week to spend time with his friends. She had to admit that they were not as troublesome as she thought. And they were very handsome. She enjoyed spending time with them. And she especially liked how she was the only one in the group that could get away with picking on Jungkook. Any time the boys would pick on him, he would chase them around the whole park.

Every once in a while, Jungkook would take Yuna to see Taehyung. The older boy was very fond of her and would constantly make her blush with cute Kookie stories. Taehyung knew that the two had feelings for each other. He wished Jungkook would build up the courage to ask Yuna out, but he also knew that Jungkook was too much of a baby bunny.

Yuna had been working hard to get over her fear of cars. Luckily, Minjae and Jungkook were there with her the whole time. And now she can drive to school with the two of them, but only with the two of them. Minjae takes her to school, and Jungkook drives her home.

And about the tournaments, Yuna has finally gotten fast enough to beat Jungkook. It's almost as if Yuna's hate for Jungkook was holding her back. Now that it's gone, she is unstoppable. And perfect timing, because college scouts have started coming to the tournaments.

It's three weeks until the finals tournament and five weeks until graduation. Everyone is stressing because of final exams, and many are still waiting for their acceptance letters to college. Yuna was beginning to worry about the lack of scout interactions she has had. Her grades were almost perfect, and her track performances have been extraordinary. So why hasn't she received any scholarships?

But, because this is a 3rd person point of view, I'll tell you a little something extra—Yuna's about to have a lot more than college to worry about.

A/N: Is this style of writing okay? I wanted to try something new but I think my other style is better. And I'm really sorry I didn't post last week. I had a huge assignment due so I didn't have much time to write. Again, I'm really sorry and I will try really hard to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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