Chapter 11

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Yuna's POV

"Welcome to paradise." I don't know about paradise, but this place does seem very peaceful. In the middle of a beautiful field, there was an adorable little cabin.

"Mr. Kang, this place is gorgeous."

"Thank you. I spent most of yesterday mowing the field so you guys could play a few sports out there. I've been very excited to share my secret spot with you."

"Come on, Yuna. Let's play some soccer." Jungkook runs up to me and grabs my hand, pulling me into the wide-open field. I start to blush at the sudden contact. And for some reason, I like the feeling of my hand in his.

All of us played soccer for about two hours before Mr. Kang finished making dinner. He made a ton of BBQ and prepared a large picnic blanket.

"I hope all of you enjoyed your dinner, but we better head inside now. It gets very dark out here." So we all grab our bags from the front porch and step inside the small cabin. "Your room is right down there. You can decide who gets the bed."

We all pile into the small room with Jungkook and I being the last two. "What did I tell you Yuna, we're all going to have to sleep on top of each other." There is nothing but shock on my face. I know we're supposed to be getting closer to each other, but this is a little extreme.

"The bathroom is down the hall. If any of you want to take a shower, feel free to. But I must warn you; the water will probably be cold."

"Well, it's a good thing I only take cold showers. If you guys don't mind, I'm going to go first. I'll be back in a few minutes." I grab my pajama pants, a baggy t-shirt, and my towel and head to the bathroom.

The shower was super small and uncomfortable. So I finished within three quick minutes then slipped into my pj's.

I step out of the bathroom only to bump into Jungkook. "Are those little crocodiles on your pants, Yuna?"


"It's kind of cute." Why am I blushing?

"Whatever. Now take a shower. You stink."

"Yes, ma'am." I roll my eyes at him, trying to ignore my burning cheeks.

"Was he trying to flirt with you?"

"I don't know, Sunhae."

"OMG! Are you blushing?"

"No. Why would I be blushing? And why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

"Because you two would be so cute together."

"Ew, gross. No way in the world would that ever happen."

"Whatever you say, Yuna. Oh, the other members want to know if you want to play truth or dare with us."

"Sure, as long as we keep it PG."

"Tell that to the boys." I follow Sunhae back into the bedroom and see the team all sitting in a circle. "Should we wait for Jungkook?"

"No need to wait." I turn around to find Jungkook leaning against the door frame. His hair is still dripping water, and his towel is hanging off of his shoulder. He looks God-like.

"That was fast."

"What are you guys playing?"

"Truth or Dare. Do you want to play with us?"

"Sure. Who's going first?" Jungkook moves to sit next to me while drying his hair the rest of the way.

"I think Daesong is."

"Fear me; all the power is in my hands." Daesong looks around the room, trying to pick his victim. "Hyunmin. Truth or Dare?"

"I don't trust you, so I pick truth."

"Alright, who are you crushing on?"

"Anything but that."

"Too bad; no take-backs."

"But you guys will judge me." Hyunmin lowers his head in embarrassment.

"No, we won't. Just tell us."

"Fine, I like Minjae."

I look up at him with a confused face. "Wait, my best friend Minjae?"

"Yeah, and I know he's probably straight. So I want to get over him because he would never like me back."

"But, he's not straight." I slam my hand over my mouth, realizing that I let slip the most valuable secret that Minjae has ever trusted me with keeping. "I wasn't supposed to say that. So if you ever decide to ask him out, which you should, don't tell him I told you."

"Really? You're not kidding, right?"

"I'm not joking. Minjae has been gay for a while now."

"Dude, you should ask him out at school next week." Daesong encouragingly riffles Hyunmin's hair and rubs his back in comfort.

"I'll think about it."

"As sweet as all of this has been, can we keep playing? I want to go next." Soojin looks at Hyunmin with puppy eyes.

"Okay, Soojin. Truth or Dare?"


The game goes on for a while, with almost everyone choosing dare. My dare was to be hung upside down for two minutes straight. It wasn't too bad, but my vision was blurry for a while afterward. It's Jungkook's turn now, and of course, he picks dare.

"I was hoping you would say that. I dare you to take your shirt off for the rest of the game."

"CHRISTAIN!" The girls and I stare at Christain like we're about to kill him.

"What? I know you girls want to see those abs of his."

"Oh, you're so dead." Sunhae looks like a murderer about to claim her next victim.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Mr. Kang peaks his head into the room. "Yuna, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Thank goodness. You have no idea how much you just saved me."

"Wait in the hall for a second; I need to talk to the rest of the group first."

A/N: So, I recently finished the Netflix series that I was watching and now I have nothing to watch. I need suggestions ASAP! I really like mystery, but I've already finished Criminal Minds. So, something like that would be awesome. 

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