Chapter 4

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Time Skip To Friday

Yuna's POV

I completely aced my test for Mrs. Yoon, but Minjae barely passed. I don't understand how he can be okay with almost failing. If he starts to fail his classes, he won't be able to play baseball.

Minjae has always lived a worry-free life. It concerns me that the way he views the world is unrealistic. I'm afraid he'll get hurt if and when he learns that there is a negative side to life.

"Minjae, you have to take your classes more seriously."

"And stress over things that I don't need to know. Yeah, I think I'll pass."

"You don't have to stress over anything, but you at least have to attempt to care. You have such big dreams. Please don't ruin it for yourself by not working hard enough."

Since he was little, Minjae has always wanted to become a professional photographer. And I'll admit, he is exceptionally skilled with a camera. But if future employers see that he struggled in school, they might not hire him.

"Okay fine, I'll try harder. But I have better things to do than study." I do nothing but roll my eyes. "I'll see you after practice."

"Not today, my dad is going to pick me up."

"No way am I going to let you be in a car with that drunk. I am taking you home no matter what you say."

"You have a point. In that case, I will see you after practice."

"Good. Oh, and don't let Jungkook get in your head today. Remember, he is a jerk that doesn't deserve your attention."

"Got it. Bye, Minjae."

I leave Minjae and head out to the track field. I can see that only Mr. Kang is there. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Kim. Are you ready for practice?"

"Yes, Jeon. I heard that Mr. Kang has a new training exercise for the team to try. He'll probably want us to demonstrate."

"Nice, maybe it will be like that couple's yoga. Hopefully, he'll make us partners."

"Ew, there's no way that's going to happen."

"How do you know? It could be anything."

"I don't know, but I highly doubt it. It is Mr. Kang, after all."

"Yeah, he's no fun. He always has us do the same things over and over again."

"Jungkook, it's a track team. What do you expect? All it is is running and hurdles."

"But why can't we make it more fun. Like making up games to improve our endurance or have prizes for anyone that does something to help out the team. There can be more to practice than just running and hurdles." Okay, so maybe he has a few more brain cells than I initially thought, but he's still a jerk.

"Ah, Yuna, Jungkook, how are our two captains doing today?"

"Pretty good. Kim and I were talking about a more efficient way to practice."

"No, we weren't. What did you want to show us, Mr. Kang?"

"Right, I have a few things I need to explain. But first I need to tell you that it will only be you two today. Sunhae is at home sick; Bora, Hana, and Daesong are retaking a test; Hyunmin and Soojin are cleaning the school's front lawn after their surprise water balloon attack. Jiwoo is helping his new stepmother move in, and Oli and Christain are at their grandfather's funeral."

"Damn, everyone's having a bad day. I guess you and I are lucky, Kim."

"Lucky? How am I lucky when I'm stuck here with you?"

"Ouch, now my heart hurts."

"Okay, that's enough. I thought about sending you two home, but I figured I could have you learn a few new drills before the others. Since you're the captains, you can help me teach them."

"Okay, Mr. Kang. How many new drills are there?"

"And do any of them include a couple's yoga move?"

"Ew! Jungkook, stop it."

"That's not a bad idea, but I don't think I could get any of the boys to partner up with each other. I guess that's the downside to having seven boys but only four girls."

"Yeah, but I bet the girls like it like that. Don't you, Kim?"

"Ah! Jeon Jungkook!"

A/N: I don't really know what to say in this author note. How are you doing? Are you guys enjoying the story? Is there anything that I need to fix? If there is, please don't hesitate to tell me. I want to make this story as good as possible.

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