Chapter 24

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Time Skip To I Have No Idea When

Yuna's POV

I wake up to the sound of loud beeping right next to my ear. I slowly open my eyes even though they want to stay glued shut. I try to move my body, but everything aches. The only thing that I can feel for sure is the hand holding mine. I remember this feeling of the soft but big hands.

I want to turn my head to look at him, but it hurts. I try to do it quickly so the pain wouldn't last as long. It's still excruciating, but I manage to look at the sleeping boy beside me. His slightly pouted lips and furrowed brows make him look like a baby. He's adorable, though I still prefer his smile.

"Jungkook, wake up." My voice is scratchy as I try to wake him up. I shake my hand as much as I can without hurting too much, but he still won't wake up. "Of course, you're a heavy sleeper. Jungkook, I need you to wake up." I shake my hand a lot harder. It hurts, but it does the trick. Well, kind of.

He slowly sits, not paying attention to his surroundings. He rubs his eyes with his hand that isn't holding onto me. "Good morning, Kookie." His eyes fly open and quickly find mine.

"You're awake?" He says that more as a question than a statement.


"I'm not dreaming?"

"Not that I know of."

"So you're genuinely awake?"

"Yes, Kookie."

He smiles his gorgeous bunny smile. "About time." He lets go of my hand and moves his to my face. He leans towards me and places his lips on mine. It wasn't the first kiss I've had, but it was undoubtedly the best. It was passionate, loving, and sincere, but at the same time, full of urgency and longing. So, naturally, I kissed him back.

He pulled away after a few seconds and brought me in for a hug, burying his face in my neck. "Please don't ever do that to me again."

"I won't, I promise. But as much as I love this, you're kind of crushing me." I always love his hugs, but it was starting to hurt.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He let me go and moved to sit in front of me. "I forgot."

"It's okay, Kookie. Now could you tell what happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really. The last thing I remember was getting called to the office, and afterward, I was dragged through the school to the parking lot, but I don't know who was pulling me."

"Well, from what I was told, your dad came to pick you up during school, and you got into a crash on the way to your house. At least, that's what Mr. Kang said. Minjae was in here when he told the story, but he kept rolling his eyes as if it was the stupidest thing he's heard. Minjae wouldn't say anything, though. He just stayed with you while his mom talked to the doctors."

"Is he still here?"

"No, his mom took him home after he almost collapsed from lack of sleep."

"And what about you? Aren't your parents worried about you?"

"Not really. Mom and dad think I'm staying at Tae's to help him with his college finals."

"And how long do they think Tae has been studying."

"A little under five full days."

"FIVE DAYS! Tae better do good on his finals or your parents are going to know you were lying." I try to reposition myself as I'm talking, but every part of my body is in pain. "So, what's the official diagnosis, Doctor Jeon?"

"You broke your right leg and three of your ribs. An artery in your elbow was severed when your arm went through the window. You also have a concussion and a few cuts and bruises here and there. It could be worse, all things considered."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, the car was completely totaled. And your ... your dad was in terrible shape."

"How bad is terrible?"

"He uh ... he took most of the blow when that truck hit you. So ... he was crushed on impact. It took the firefighters an hour to get his body out of the car."

"So he's dead?"

He just nods his head slowly while looking at his lap. Then he gently pulls me into another hug. "I'm sorry, Yuna."

For a split second, I thought I was going to cry, but I didn't. Then, for some reason, it felt like everything was going to be okay.

A/N: THERE WAS NO WIFI IN WASHINGTON!!! I tried so hard to type while I was on vacation, but not even my hotspot would work. And my school starts in less than two weeks! So I'm going to have to type until my fingers are raw if I want to get this story done by then. Hopefully, I can finish another chapter by tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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