Chapter 26

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Yuna's POV

It kills me that I can't compete today. After weeks of hard work to get to this competition, I'm stuck on the sidelines. That's probably the worst part about being in that car wreck. Not the pain or the crutches, not even my dad dying, could hurt as much as losing my one chance to impress the college scouts today.

Mr. Kang keeps telling me that my academic scholarships are impressive and will be more than enough to get me through college. But what he is avoiding is that my chances of getting on a well-known track team are close to none if I don't gain the attention of those scouts. And how am I supposed to do that if I can't even walk in this huge cast?

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder. "How are you supposed to be my cheerleader if you're sulking so much?"

"Haha, very funny."

"Jungkook, let's go. You're up next."

"Coming, Mr. Kang!" Jungkook quickly kisses my cheek. "I love you." He lets go of my waist and heads for the track.


"Yeah?" He turns around to look at me.

"You better win."

He smiles brightly. "You know I will." He does a little skip and runs to his starting spot.

"Pfft, cocky much."

"Yuna, they said we could stand by the finish line."

"Okay, Sunhae. I'll be over there in a minute." She smiles and runs over to where the team is waiting. I wish I could run with her. But, instead, I have to hobble around with these stupid crutches.

I finally made my way to the rest of the team just as the last runner took his place on the track. Then, finally, the referee blows the whistle, and the runners take off.

Jungkook starts out in first place like I knew he would. He has always had solid starts. But, as he runs farther down the track, one of the other runners flies past him. Jungkook almost trips when he sees the other boy pass him. He starts to fall behind even after he regains his footing.

The entire audience is screaming with our team. The other boys are yelling at the top of their lungs. I know that Jungkook blocks out all noise while he's running, but I can't help but shout with them.


As if by some miracle that Jungkook heard me, he begins to speed up. The gap between first and second place slowly closes. As the two run the last turn, it becomes impossible to see who is in front. All eyes are on the runners as they get closer and closer to the end.

Multiple cameras went off as they crossed the finish line, but the race was so close that I couldn't see who won. Both boys are summoned to the judge's stand as the results are determined.

"The results have been reviewed, and the winner is determined. In first place, by an inch, is Jeon Jungkook."

The team goes wild, and the audience starts screaming again. Jungkook runs over to us and is tackled by the boys. He manages to escape that mess and jogs to where I am. He wraps his arms around my waist, picks me up, and twirls me around in pure joy. He sets me down carefully and kisses me as all of the cameras go off again. My face turned bright pink, but I didn't mind. I was extremely happy for him.

Time Skip to the End of the Tournament

After the runs were done and Jungkook won first overall, many of the best runners were approached by college scouts. Jungkook had at least seven trying to talk to him at once.

I'm glad he's happy, and I'm proud of him for doing so well. But this is excessively bitter-sweet. I'm going to have to replan my future. My goals have always been the same, and I've never had to come up with a backup plan.

"Excuse me. Are you Kim Yuna?"

I turn around, and standing behind me is a taller woman with short black hair and a clipboard in her hands.

"Yes, that's me."

"Great. My name is Jang Myung-Hee. I represent the (insert college name here) track team. I'm sorry to hear about your crash wreck; I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you."

"Uh, it's nice to meet you, but why are you talking to me. There are plenty of runners that you should be trying to recruit."

"But that's why I'm here. I want to recruit you to our team. And, if you accept, we will be more than happy to fund your physical therapy."

"But my doctor said the possibility of me running like I used to is slim."

"And that's okay. Our team prides itself on helping recovering athletes make their way back to the top. A few of these alumni have gone to the Olympics."


Suddenly, a pair of arms snakes around my waist. "Do you have a card? Her next doctor's appointment is tomorrow. She'll call you after that."

"Of course, I'll be awaiting your call, Ms. Kim. Here's my card, and one for you as well, Mr. Jeon. It would be an honor to have both of you at our college and on our team."

Mrs. Jung left after bowing and went to speak with a few other runners.

"So, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I was just given a miracle."

Jungkook wraps his arms around me again and leans his head against mine. "You are a miracle."

A/N: And we are done. This story is officially complete. Sorry it took me forever, but I guess late is better than never. Thank you for reading this story. If you liked it and want to read more of my works, go ahead and follow me. It motivates me to write if I know more people are reading what I write. If you are into Stray Kids, I recommend reading my first story. Again, thank you for reading this story; it means a lot to me. Bye!

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