Chapter 6

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Minjae's POV


I pull into Yuna's driveway, and I immediately see her jump out of her window and sprint to my car. As she's running, I can see that her lip is bleeding. That must be from her dad hitting her.

Yuna opens the passenger door and slips into the seat. I pull out of the driveway once she puts her seat belt on. She seems frozen, but I don't blame her. Her dad did just hit her.

"Yuna? Are you okay?" She doesn't say anything and only shakes her head. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head again. "Okay. You can wear some of my clothes for a while. I know you want to get out of your sweaty practice clothes."

I can see a single tear roll down her cheek. As soon as we arrive at my home, I park my car and reach over to grab Yuna's hand.

"Yuna, please look at me." She slowly turns her head in my directions and looks at me with teary eyes. "I know you're hurting right now, but I need you to know that I will always be by your side. Okay? I will never let him hurt you again. I promise."

Suddenly, she reaches over and pulls me into a hug. "I love you, Minjae."

I softly rug her back as she begins to cry into my shoulder. "I love you too."

Time Skip To Monday's Practice

Yuna's POV

I've never liked being the center of attention. However, it's hard for people to ignore the purple cut on my lip. Minjae's mom tried to make it look less noticeable with her makeup, but she could only do so much without infecting it.

Anytime someone asks me what happened, I tell them that I fell off of my bed. Some don't believe me, but it doesn't matter. People can think what they want.

"Oh my gosh, Yuna, are you okay?" Sunhae runs over to me as soon as I walk onto the field. All of the other members turn their heads in my direction and stare at me with shocked expressions. "What happened to you?"

"It's nothing. I fell off of my bed a few nights ago."

"You must be more careful, Yuna. I don't want you hurting yourself, even if it is an accident."

"Yes, Mr. Kang." I slowly sit down next to Jungkook, since the captains have to sit together. I can feel him staring at me, so I look over at him. For once, he isn't giving me his cocky smirk. He's looking at me with real concern. Is it just me, or is Jeon Jungkook worried about me? Now I've seen everything.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, I would first like to address something. I know that this weekend was rough for all of us, but it would be best to put it in the back of your head for now. We have our first tournament next week, and I want all of you to continue to improve. I have great faith that all of you will do very well, but we still need to work hard until then. So, who's ready to start practice?" And so, we ran until we were dead, then ran some more.

After practice, I took my bag and headed out to the parking lot. But before I could get there, someone grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face them. Guess who it is.

"What are you doing, Jungkook?"

"What happened to your lip?"

"I told you, I fell off of my bed."

"Oh please, I know someone hit you. Who was it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Yuna." Yuna? He's never called me that before. He only ever calls me by my surname. "I've seen many fights and know what the outcomes look like, and the cut on your lip is a perfect example."

"Jungkook, nobody hit me, okay. I promise you that I'm fine." I try to walk away, but he pulls me right back.

"Yuna, please stop lying to me. If someone hurt you, I need to know." He slowly slips his hand into mine.

"Why do you care? Jungkook, all you've done is pick on me, annoy me, and act like you're so much better than me." I can feel the tears building up in my eyes. I don't understand why I keep crying. I rarely cry, but since Friday, I can't stop. "Please, Jungkook, leave me alone." I yank my hand away from him and sprint to Minjae's car.

"Oh my gosh, Yuna, what happened?"

"Can we please go home, Minjae?" Tears are streaming down my face. I can't control them anymore.

"Yeah, we can go home. But Yuna, I think you should call your mom."

A/N: I realized that I'm kind of hoping all over the place for this story. If you guys start to get confused, please don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments.

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