Chapter 22

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Jungkook's POV

Since we don't have track practice today, my friends and I decided to hang out at the park. Bambam, Minghao, and DK are sitting at a picnic table while Eunwoo, Yugyeom, Jaehyun, Mingyu, and I play soccer.

"KOOKIE!" We all turn towards Taehyung, who is walking with three boxes of pizza.

"Took you long enough."

"Aww, did my baby bunny have to wait for his food?"

"Haha, good one, Tae. We should use that."

"Not gonna happen, DK. That one's all mine."

"Would you both shut up and eat? Why did you get three boxes anyway?"

"Because, Jaehyun, you boys are pigs. Heck, Kookie could eat a whole box by himself if he wanted to."

"You make me sound fat."

"You are far from fat, Kookie."


"You really need to change your ringtone, Kookie.

"Hush, Tae." I look at the caller ID and see that it's Mr. Kang. "Hello?"



"Yuna was just in a car accident. She's at the hospital in critical condition."

I freeze in my spot, unable to move. I don't even feel my phone slip out of my hand and fall on the soft grass.

"Kookie?" Taehyung grabs my shoulder and looks me dead in the eye. "What happened?"

Tears start forming in my eyes as I start running to my motorcycle. The boys yell after me, but their words go in one ear and out the other. I start up my bike, not even worrying about putting on my helmet. I speed out of the park, not caring if I get chased by the cops. Nothing is going to stop me from getting to the hospital as soon as possible.

A/N: Hello everyone, how are y'all doing? I know that I said there were only a few more chapters left, but I think I'm going to make this story a bit longer than I originally planned. I want a few extra things to happen, so I hope you will look forward to it.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't published a new chapter in a while. I thought I would have a lot of time this summer, but my stupid self ended up getting two jobs. But my goal is still to get this story done before school starts up again. 

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