Chapter 3

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Jungkook's POV

"Hey, man. Do you have any more classes today?"

"Nope, I'll be chilling for the rest of the day. Do you want to hang out?"

"Duh, why do you think I'm calling? I'll meet you at your dorm."

"I'll be waiting."

Taehyung hangs up just as I reach my car. I haven't seen him in a while, so I'm glad he has time to meet up. It sucks when your best friend is two years older and is a sophomore in college. At least he's only about half an hour away.

My phone dings and I look down to see that Taehyung texted me.

I ordered pizza, so hurry up and get here before I eat it all.

It's almost funny that he thinks he'll get away with that.

I start my car and begin to back out of my parking spot, but I stop when I notice Yuna watching me. I give her a quick smirk before leaving the school campus.

It's so easy to pick on her. She gets annoyed so easily that sometimes I don't even have to try.

I still can't understand why she started hating me so much, but it doesn't matter. It's not like I want to be her friend. She's too uptight and doesn't seem to know how to have fun. She's the exact opposite of me.

But who cares about her right now? All that matters is the pizza that I have to get to before Taehyung does.

Yuna's POV

After Minjae and I get ice cream, we head to my house to do homework, despite Minjae's whining.

"But I don't want to study Yuna."

"Too bad, we have a test this Friday for Mrs. Yoon. And you know she never makes anything easy."

"Ugh, fine, but only for an hour. After that, we're going to relax."

"Whatever you say, Minjae."

We pull into my driveway, and I notice that my dad's car is parked right in front of the garage door.

"Um, Minjae. Maybe it would be better if we study at your house."

"I'm not afraid of your dad, Yuna. I know he's rude and arrogant, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to study with you. We can lock ourselves in your room. I'm sure he won't bother us." Minjae grabs my hand and slightly squeezes it, letting me know that everything is going to be okay.

"Okay, maybe we can sneak into my room without him noticing us."

"Sure, we can try that." He gives me a sweet smile before stepping out of the car and quietly closing the door. I follow his actions and lead him up to the front door. I carefully maneuver my key into the lock, then slowly enter the house.

Minjae and I gradually make our way through the main hallway and reach my bedroom. I'm about to open the door when I hear a voice coming from the living room. "Don't try to avoid me, girl. Aren't you going to greet your father." I could hear how drunk he was. I let out a loud sigh while motioning for Minjae to stay here.

I walked to where I knew my dad would be; in his run-down, covered in stains, partially broken recliner. There he is, in all his drunkenness. The man that makes me feel worthless. The only person that can make me cry. And the reason I want to get as far away from here as possible. My father.

"Why are you home so early? It's Tuesday, don't you have poker tonight?" I give him an emotionless expression as I wait for his explanation. I don't need one, I only want to get this over with.

"I did, but I thought I would see how your first day of track practice went." I stand there, slightly confused as to why he would care. Then I recognize the small amount of sarcasm in his voice.

"Don't lie. I know it's something else."

"Fine, your mother told me to stay home and watch over you for the next few weeks. She got a call from her sister saying your baby cousin is very sick. Your mom went to help out with anything she needs." I don't understand how he can organize his thoughts when he's so drunk.

"But why do you have to watch over me? I'm almost eighteen. I can take care of myself."

"You're right, but I see this as an opportunity. Every time you do something that I don't like, you'll get a punishment. I need to start teaching you to respect me and the way I want you to live."

I roll my eyes at his statement. "Yeah, good luck with that."

As I start walking back to my room, I can hear my dad yelling at me. "Hey! I'm still talking to you!" At this point, I don't care what he has to tell me.

I completely forgot that I left Minjae by my bedroom door. He gives me a look of concern. I push him inside my room and lock the door behind me. "Are you okay, Yuna?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Can we start studying now?" I plop down on my bed and pull my textbook out of my backpack. I feel a dip in the mattress, and an arm sneaks around my shoulder.

"Let's not study right now. We should lay down for a bit and try to relax."

"Minjae, I said I'm fine. He says stuff like this all the time and never acts on it. I promise you that everything is okay." I lean over and give him a small hug to assure him that it's nothing too concerning. I know he doesn't believe me, but I want him to stop worrying about me.

"I know you can take care of yourself, but I want to make sure you are safe. Maybe you should stay at my house for a while."

"No, that's okay. And believe me, if anything happens, you will be the first person I go to."

"Good, now we can study for that test."

A/N: I think Taehyung is the only other BTS member that I'll put in this story, besides Jungkook. I might add Jimin later, but I just don't see how the hyung line could fit. If you guys have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

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