Chapter 10

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Time Skip To Friday

Yuna's POV

Is it weird that I enjoyed having lunch with the team? It was interesting to see the girls and the boys joking around with each other since I thought we wouldn't stray from our groups too much. I didn't realize how fun the boys were until this week.

And Jungkook, well, he isn't as big of a jerk as I thought he was. He's sweet and funny and has an adorable smile matched with the cutest laugh. I feel bad about avoiding him after he asked if someone hit me. And I unquestionably regret letting my competitive nature get in the way of us becoming friends.

"Did you remember your charger? And your toothbrush, you didn't forget it, right?"

"No, Minjae. I triple checked my bag. I promise I didn't forget anything. And if I did, I'm sure the girls would let me borrow what I need."

"Okay, fine. Just don't forget about me this weekend."

"How could I ever forget about my best friend."

"Aw, you're so sweet." Minjae puts his hands on his cheeks and acts dramatically.

"Come on, Yuna! I want to go swimming when we get there, so hurry up." I turn to see Jungkook sticking his head out of the bus window.

"Okay, I'm coming, Kookie." I turn back around to find a confused looking Minjae.

"Kookie? Since when is he Kookie?"

"Since I realized how sweet he is. I have to go now. I'll text you later, Minjae." I hop on the bus and pick a seat in front of Jungkook.

"Are you and Minjae dating?" I look up to see Jungkook peaking over the seat.

"No. Minjae's my best friend. It would be weird if we dated. Plus, neither of us are into the whole dating thing."

"Oh, okay. I noticed that you guys spend so much time together, and you always get in his car after practice. I thought you guys might be more than friends." Why do I hear a hint of relief in his voice?

"Well, I do live with him, so I guess he's more like my brother."

"Wait, you live with him?"

"Yeah, I have for a while. My parents aren't home much anymore, and even though I can take care of myself, I'm not too fond of living alone." Why do I keep lying to him? Yes, I don't want him to worry about me, but is it worth keeping him in the dark.

Suddenly, the bus starts to pull out of the parking lot. "Okay, kids, if I could have your attention, please. The bus ride will be around 45 minutes long, and I'm sure our bus driver would appreciate it if you keep your voices down to a talking level. That means no yelling, please. Also, because you need to be focusing on getting to know each other better, you will be handing me your phones when we get there."

"WHAT!" All of our jaws drop, and our eyes widen.

"So you might want to tell your parents and friends that you won't be answering their calls or texts." Not a problem for me. I only have to tell Minjae and his mom. Although Minjae probably won't be very happy about this.

"And there's one more thing I need to tell you now that I have you all trapped on the bus. All of you, boys and girls, will be in one room."

"WHAT!" I swear I saw all of our souls leave our bodies.

"Well, why do you think I made you bring sleeping bags?" Jumping out of the bus sounds like a great idea right now. "Okay, that's all. I'll let you guys know when we're almost there."

"Can you believe him, Yuna. What if the room is super small and we have to sleep on top of each other."

"I don't think he would go that far, but this does seem pretty ridiculous."

"None of us are going to be able to sleep, are we."

"Probably not. Jungkook, why don't you sit next to me instead of climbing all over the seat to see me."

"That sounds good. I was starting to get uncomfortable." Jungkook quickly moves to the seat next to me and gives me a cute smile. "So, how have you been?" I giggle at his silliness.

"I've been good. How about you?"

"I've been great." And the two of us spend the rest of the bus ride goofing around with each other.

A/N: Sorry for the sudden change in Jungkook and Yuna's relationship. I just didn't really have any other ideas. Also, prepare yourselves for some craziness in the next chapter. A lot of things are going to happen and you might not be ready for them. You have been warned. And I'm really sorry that I'm a day late for posting this. I was so swamped with school work that I completely forgot that I needed to post. Being in High School and College at the same time really sucks.

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