Chapter 21

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Yuna's POV

I couldn't move at all. I was as still as a statue. Why is my dad, of all people, here? I wanted to turn around and run.

"Take a seat, Yuna." The principal says as he gestures towards the empty chair in front of his desk. I slowly, cautiously move to sit between the two men and intentionally move the chair a little closer to Mr. Kang.

"It has come to my attention that you ran away from home. Mr. Kang was worried about you last night when you came to stay with him, so the both of us decided to call your father. He said you ran out because you miss your mother. And I first want to say to both of you that I am sorry for your loss. It must be hard to lose someone so close to you."

My dad suddenly speaks up with a clear, not drunken voice. "It's been hard on both of us for sure. Although, I'm glad they could bring her body back here for the funeral. I was afraid we would have to present an empty casket. And they cleaned her up nicely too. She looked peaceful."

I wanted to scream, to yell, to shout until his ears bled. How the hell would he know what she looked like in the casket? He wasn't at the visitation, funeral, or burial. He probably couldn't have cared less.

"I don't remember you being there, Mr. Kim." Yes, Mr. Kang! He wasn't there! He's lying!

"You must have come in when I had stepped out for a breather." Mr. Kang nods his head in hesitant understanding.

"Yuna, you've been quiet. Is there anything you want to say?" Now, I know what you're thinking. Tell them the truth. Tell them how you are scared of your dad and don't want him to be in your life anymore. I want to, I genuinely do, but a part of me keeps my mouth shut, maybe out of fear or perhaps something scarier. I don't want my dad to suffer. Because even though he's abusive and an alcoholic, he's still the one person I looked up to the most. Or at least the person he used to be.

He used to be the person that lifted me in the air, placing me on his shoulders, allowing me to see the world from a "giant's" perspective. He would always push me on the swings and catch me at the end of the slide when we went to the park. He would chase me around the house, even right after I had learned to walk. And most of all, he was the one that pushed me to join the track team. He would go to all of my meets and cheer on me louder than anyone else.

I guess things change. Even good things can disappear. Maybe a part of me hopes my real dad is hidden somewhere in this stranger.

"Yuna?" Mr. Kang pulled me out of my thoughts. All three men were staring at me.

"Maybe I should take her home, give her a mental-health day."

The principal gives me one more concerned look before turning to my dad. "Yes, perhaps it's best if you let her rest for a while. Let her take the rest of the week off."

"Will do, sir. Thank you." He stands up and gently pulls me from the chair. At least, it looks gentle. In reality, he is gripping my wrist as hard as he can. Probably to make sure I don't run away.

My dad drags me out of the office, still holding my wrist tightly. He continues to pull me through the long hallways and out to the parking lot. He throws me into the passenger's seat with my head barely missing the roof of the car. Then he slams the door in my face and goes around to the driver's side.

The smell of alcohol is disgustingly strong. Dad pulls a half-empty beer bottle from the back and drinks it all in ten seconds. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. I'm scared of what he's going to do to me.

"How did you get rid of your alcohol breath?"

"You would be surprised how well mint gum works." He pulls a new beer out of the back and starts to chug it.

"What do you want with me?" Somehow I'm managing to keep a straight face.

"Why can't I want my daughter to be home?"

"You hit me."

"I could do a lot worse if you don't behave."

"I'll run away again."

"I highly doubt that."

"You don't believe me?"

"You won't run away."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. Because if you run away again, I'll go after your friends."

"You don't know who my friends are."

"Don't I. You seem to spend a lot of time with Bora, Hana, and Sunhae. And you said Minjae's your best friend, not to mention your crush on Jungkook." My heart stopped, my breath hitched and tears welled up in my eyes. "That's what I thought."

Dad starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. With the way he drives, you could never tell that he was drunk. I guess after years of practice, drunk driving becomes effortless. I want to cry, but I refuse to. I refuse to let him see me cry.

"Look at me." I don't move an inch. "I SAID LOOK AT ME!" Dad grabs my face with his strong hands, yanking it to face his direction. He's staring at me with his dark eyes. The only thing I see in them is hate.

Just past his head, I see a bulky truck speeding towards us.



A/N: Hello everyone. How have y'all been? Because summer is here, I want to know what y'all have planned. I went to Florida as soon as school got out and I'll be going to Washington in about a month. Hot beaches, then cool mountains. I prefer the mountains, but I love going deep-sea fishing. And, we're nearing the end of this story. I think there will be three or four more chapters. I don't know when they will be done, but I hope you guys look forward to them and enjoy them when they are published. Love you guys!

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