Chapter 13

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Yuna's POV

After I calmed down enough to talk without choking on my tears, I had Sunhae call Minjae. He said he would be here in about an hour. The entire time I was waiting, Jungkook was right next to me. He held me and let me cry into his chest while he stroked my hair.

The front door gets slammed open, and Minjae comes running to my side. He pulls me away from Jungkook and into his arms. "I'm so sorry, Yuna. I should have been here with you."

"It's okay, Minjae. Can we please go home now?"

"Yeah, we can go home."

"I'll go get your bag, Yuna."

"Jungkook." I grab his hand before he can leave. "Thank you for staying with me." He gives me a small smile then walks into the small bedroom to get my stuff.

The boys loaded all of my things into Minjae's car, and everyone gave me comforting hugs before we headed home. Without meaning to, I cry myself to sleep.

Time Skip Two Weeks

Jungkook's POV

Nobody has heard from Yuna in two weeks. She hasn't come to school, she hasn't called or text, and when anyone asks Minjae, he ignores them. Since I'm willing to fight for the truth, I decided to follow Minjae home.

I carefully drive behind him to his house, then park a few blocks away. I go up to the front and knock, hoping Yuna answers the door.

"Can I help you?" It's not Yuna. She must be Minjae's mom.

"Yes. My name is Jungkook. I came to make sure Yuna's okay."

"Oh, Jungkook. Yuna talks about you all the time. Well, she used to. She doesn't speak much anymore. She hardly ever leaves her room."

"Do you mind if I see her?"

"I don't mind at all. I'll take you to Yuna's bedroom." I follow her upstairs until she stops at the door with a plate of food in front of it. "I don't know what else to do with her food. She won't unlock her door, and every time I walk past, I see the plate hasn't moved. I hope you can snap her out of this slump." Minjae's mom walks back downstairs, leaving me by myself.

"Yuna, it's Jungkook. Can you unlock the door?"

"Please go away."

"Not until I see you."

"Well, then you're going to be there for a while."

"If that's what it takes, then I'll wait."

I hear a sigh from the other side of the door and a few light footsteps. The doorknob clicks and opens, revealing a zombie version of Yuna. Wait, that's rude. She looks sleep-deprived, hungry, and puffy-eyed.

"There, you've seen me. Now it's time for you to leave." She tries to close the door, but I stop it with my foot.

"Not yet. Minjae's mom wants me to knock some sense into you."

"You're wasting your time."

"I already got you to talk, so this isn't a waste at all."

She sighs again as she sits on the side of her bed. "And what exactly were you expecting me to say? That I'm in excellent condition and will be going to school tomorrow? Because I can promise you that both of those statements are false."

"Well, for one, I wanted to make sure you were alive. Check. I wanted to make sure that you had someone to take care of you. Check. And I wanted to see you. Check."

"Sounds like you've checked everything off."


"What's left?"

"I can't tell you that yet."


"Because you would avoid the thing that I need to check off."

The room becomes quiet for a minute before Yuna breaks it. "Do you want to go to the park? I need some fresh air."

"Sure, but you might want to change out of your pajamas first."

"I guess you're right. Can you wait for me in the living room? I'll only be a minute."

"Yes, ma'am." I leave the room and walk over to the living room. I turn a corner and bump into Minjae.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see how Yuna was doing."

"Well, don't be too disappointed. Yuna hasn't talked to anyone since that Friday."

"Jungkook, let's head out. Oh, hi, Minjae." His jaw drops as he's struggling to find words to say. I let out a little giggle and hook my arm around Yuna's and led her outside.

We walk to my car, but before I can open the driver's door, Yuna pulls me back. "Can we walk? It's not too far from here, and it feels so nice out today."

"Yeah, sure. We can walk if you want." She moves her arm away and instead puts her hand in mine. Within a few minutes, we can see the park in front of us. "Do you want to race?"

"What's the point? You'll win anyway."

"Okay, how about we make a deal. If I win, you have to buy me ice cream. And if you win, I have to tell you the last thing I need to check off."

"You have yourself a deal, Jeon Jungkook."

"Three, two, one, GO!" We sprint down the sidewalk, running as fast as we can. I pull back just a bit because I know she hasn't done much physical activity lately. But surprisingly, she didn't need me to. She seemed to be running faster than a bullet. I speed up again, but by the time I do, she's already way ahead of me.

Yuna reaches the park gate first and starts jumping with joy and has a massive smile on her face. "I finally beat you. I finally won. Now pay up. What's the last thing that you need to check off?"

"But the thing is, I already checked it off."

"What? When? What was it."

"I wanted to see you smile." Yuna's cheeks turn bright red after hearing that. "Come on, let's go get ice cream."

"But you lost. Why are you still getting ice cream?"

"Because I genuinely want ice cream."

"Oh. Well, you better get me some too."

"Yes, ma'am."

A/N: Hi. Hello. How are you? I don't have anything else to say. Ummmmmmm. Vote, comment, and follow?

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