Chapter One

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At first James hadn't believed Dumbledore when he told him that his eldest son Harry was murdered while he was out of the house on a mission. There was no blood in the crib and Harry's clothes were gone and his favorite blanket wasn't in the crib, so that meant Harry was taken. James tried to tell Dumbledore of his suspicions, but Dumbledore didn't think it was possible, and when James hired a detective not a week later the body of his 18-month-old baby boy was found. James and Lily mourned for years and though the ache of losing Harry never went away, they did eventually move past it with Harry's twin brother, Charlie needing attention and Lily falling pregnant unexpectedly.

Although most of the time their mail came through owls, they still got the occasional muggle mail. Most of it was junk mail but James made sure to check it once a week, usually on Sundays. Which was today. James was going through the mail in his hands as he walked into the family room tossing the junk mail on the coffee table. He stopped at a handwritten envelope,

James Potter

Potter Manor

3729 Manor Road, Wiltshire

James opened it and pulled out the paper letter and read it,

Dear James,

I'm sorry to bother you, but this is a project for school and as much as I'd rather not do this it is required. Our assignment is to do a background check then contact our closest relative we don't know personally and mine was you. I have a list of questions we need to ask you so we can compare ourselves to our relatives in the essay.

Question One: Were you named after someone in the family? If so who and why?

Question Two: What was your favorite thing to do for fun as a child, teenager, and now an adult?

Question Three: Did you participate in any school activity or sport?

Question Four: How would you describe yourself as a student? (Class clown, nerd, drop out, etc.)

Question Five: Are there any physical characteristics that run in the family?

And lastly Question Six: Of all the things you learned from your parents, which do you feel was the most valuable?

I guess I should tell you who I am now, I am the son you gave up for adoption 15 years ago.


James stared at the letter before rereading again and again.

"James? What is it?" Lily asked curiously

"What? Oh nothing..." James said as he stood up from the couch and headed into his office. There was only one way to find out if this was true or not.


I was shocked to receive your letter in the mail for several reasons. The main one is because I was told you were dead, I buried you 15 years ago on November 12, 1981, in a graveyard where your mother and I lived before that night. I will answer your questions, but I would also like a copy of this DNA test if you don't mind? And blood. It sounds weird but it's for a test of my own. I need to protect my family first and as of right now that means my wife and my two kids. I wish for this to be true and not some cruel joke.

To answer this, you should know my full name is Jameson Fleamont Potter, Jameson has no relative meaning just that my mother liked the name. Fleamont however was my father's name so as you can tell middle names usually are after the father. You were named Harrison Jameson Potter after me.As a child I was spoiled, I came late in my parents' lives after years of trying and was an unexpected blessing and curse the way my mother said. I enjoyed many things, but mostly I just enjoyed spending time with my parents. My mother would teach me the old traditions of her family and my father would tinker on anything he got his hands on. As a teenager I enjoyed playing pranks with my friends in school, we were considered the best pranksters of our time and left our names there for a few decades. Quite proud of our going away prank. As an adult it has always been playing with my children, including you. I was always very hands-on despite how young we were when we had you, just turned twenty. You were my pride and joy and some nights I'd just sit in your nursery and stare at you. You looked like a miniature version of myself back then and I was captured by everything you did. Your first steps and the first word I was there for and I cried just a tad because I knew my baby boy would one day walk away from me. I had no idea it was only a few months away that you would be killed if I had known I probably would have held you longer and kissed you more often.I was in a school sport, an extremely popular one at the boarding school I attended. I didn't participate in anything else. I was far too busy enjoying my teenage years unfortunately. However, your mother was very bright and was one of the top students in our graduating class.I was more of a class clown with a cocky attitude and a good brain when I used it. Your mother was more of a nerd. Majorly. She had study tables for any free moment she had and was always reading something. Her brain is the most brilliant thing. She is so smart and so nice, and she has a wicked temper.Yes, there are several physical traits that have been in the Potter Family for many years, two are the most common. Unruly raven hair and glasses, I remember you had raven hair as a baby, but it was a bit too soon to tell if it was as unruly as mine and my fathers were.Blood doesn't make a family. That led me to my best friends, and he was right. By the age of twelve I considered them my brothers and my parents considered them their sons. They were shocked when I said I had a girlfriend and thought I'd end up with Sirius. Apparently going into the closet is a thing now. I had to break the news to my parents. I was in fact straight.

I hope we can meet very soon.


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