Chapter Twenty

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I'm disappointed in myself. Why is this so short???! 😭😫😭😫 guys I can't wait. I think I might make a sequel. What are we thinking guys? Make Harry preggers? No preggers? Sequel no sequel? I need help! I have so many ideas. Also yes. This was planned for James to have some sort of mental problem? (Is that word offensive??) because..who wouldn't??

Let's be realistic.

Walking into the suite at Hogwarts was just a tad awkward. Especially because James and Lily had been waiting for them.

"James-" Remus started, but he was interrupted by James standing up and folding his arms.

"We are sorry, and you were right and we were in the wrong these last few weeks. Harry, I know we haven't talked about it, none of us have with each other or with you. You don't understand what these years have been like for us. For Lily and I especially." James said

"What do you mean?" Harry asked

"What I mean is that we buried you, Harry. We mourned you, we visited your grave almost monthly, we spoke to you all the time, you were dead. You weren't missing or hiding or lost. We had a body that we ran multiple tests on to make sure it was you and it came up as a positive match." Harry tensed completely forgetting about that part, Remus, and Sirius both shifted too.

"Getting your letter in the mail was the scariest day of my life. I have never been more scared of anything. Not when we were 15 and saw Remus turn for the first time. Not when we joined the Order. Not our first battle. Not even when I had to fight Voldemort to protect my wife and sons. I was ready to give my life for you Harry and I would have done proudly. All of us would have. Giving my life for yours is what I was expecting, was what I planned. What we planned. Instead, I woke up to the news that Charlie was safe with Sirius and Remus and that you were missing presumed dead. I never gave up on you until we found a body."

"A body that I held, I dressed into your favorite wolf jammies, I wrapped up in your second favorite baby blanket because your first one was lost somewhere. I have you your favorite stuffed animal which was a black dog Sirius got you when you were born, and I laid you in a cooling casket so you wouldn't decay because you were only 15 months old. Your little body didn't deserve to decay, and I buried you." Harry wiped his traitorous eyes as James spoke, as James' own eyes filled with tears.

"You and I were best friends Harry. Charlie was such a mommy's boy, always wanted her, but you... you were my boy. My best friend. Sirius use to none that you replaced him, and you did. You and I did everything together. Lily wasn't able to look at the body for more than a second, but I had to know, and I don't know why or how, but it was you. It was my 15-month-old baby boy who looked so much like me that it was unreal. I even had Remus come in and test your scent and it was yours. There was no reason to doubt, but yet I did. I always did, but it was stupid because it was confirmed to be you through every test imaginable. My gut kept telling me to look more into it, but I resisted. I have so much guilt because of that. If I would have looked into it more, we would have found you, we would have taken you away from the Dursleys, you wouldn't have been attacked by a werewolf, you wouldn't have a brain injury, you wouldn't have been abused and neglected and starved."

"Getting that letter was terrifying but believing in that letter the way that I did was so easy. I wasn't expecting you though. I was expecting my 15-month-old baby boy, Harry, I wasn't expecting a 16-year-old. I wasn't ready for the 16-year-old. I wasn't ready for an omega 16-year-old who knew so many things and was so independent. I wasn't ready to let my baby go. Then when I was finally accepting it I found out I would have to give you away in 90 days or less. I would have to sign away my parental rights, my right as your father that I just got back."

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