Chapter Three

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James walked into Dragons Scales Hotel on the 28th with Lily, Sirius, and Remus. It was nicer than what he was expecting considering they were a family of werewolves, it wasn't a four-star hotel by any means, but it also wasn't the Leaky Cauldron. He looked around the main room, which was a dining area, much like the Leaky, but didn't spot anyone that looked like Harry, so headed to the barman.

"What can I do for you four? Rooms, drinks, or both?" The man asked

"I'm looking for my son; he would have arrived with two other men," James told the man.

"I thought they looked funny. It was obvious the boy wasn't their son despite their words. He looks like you. I'll call the room and tell them to come down.

"Thank you." James watched the man walk to the back office and waited.

"Well, that was easy." Sirius said

"Hopefully, it stays that way." Only a few minutes passed until he heard footsteps on the stairway. He turned towards it to wait only for a man to appear instead of Harry.

"You must be James. I'm Cador; Harry is upstairs." The man said

"James, my wife Lily, then my best friends who live with us, Sirius and Remus," James told him shaking his offered hand

"I'll bring you up. Come on." They followed Cador up four flights of stairs then to a door he opened. The room was like any hotel room with only two beds in the room. Harry was lying on the couch with his legs propped on the wall, too much like James use to do, and to make it even worse, he had a practice snitch flying above his head that he kept grabbing. It was scary. Another man was sitting on the foot of the bed with flashcards in his hands.

"I await a guardian spell?"

"Expecto Patronum. It's to defend against dementors, which are wraith-like beings that feed off human happiness, thus generating feelings of depression and despair when nearby." Harry said


"Yes, Papa. Really."

"Then what is a boggart?"

"A boggart is an immortal shape-shifting nonbeing that takes on the form of its observer's worst fear."

"Right but yours is-"

"A dementor, yes, papa."

" do you know which is which? And why is it a dementor? Does your boggart form mean anything? Why-" Harry grabbed a pillow, put it over his face, and groaned loudly into it.

"Please stop."

"Fine. Your flying ball is flying away." Like the seeker James could never be, Harry was on his feet and jumping from the bed to the couch, only to trip on the back of it and tumble to the floor but then raised his hand with the snitch in his grasp

"I got it!" Harry called out

"You almost broke your neck!" The man shouted

"But I got the snitch." James had to try ridiculously hard to stop from glancing at Sirius but failed. Their eyes met only seconds later, both trying to keep their amusement hidden.

"Lincoln. Let's give them a few minutes alone. We'll get some food from across the street." Cador said, drawing the men's attention to them. Lincoln pressed his lips together before standing up and following Cador out of the room though not he was clearly not happy about it.

"He'll come around, he's just very protective of me." Harry told them

"Well, considering he has very good reasons to be, I don't blame him." James said, stepping further into the room, there were multiple books strewn around the room despite them only being there for a day, "Are you still in school or something?" James asked

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