Chapter Seventeen

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Those three words haunted James and Lily, even days after Harry had told them what he had remembered and what he thought he knew. Her sister had forced her son to sleep in his own urine and feces on a moldy mattress in a small under stairway closet. She had starved him and had beaten him with the help of her husband and son.

Not only that but her husband slammed Harry against the wall at a mere 3 years of age and caused a severe head injury. A head injury was left untreated and would have killed him if his magic hadn't saved him. His magic was the only thing that kept him alive those years. Harry had been their own personal housemaid.

To make it worse Harry doesn't want them to fight. He doesn't want to go to court, he doesn't want to tell the authorities, he doesn't want any of it. So, they have had this knowledge of Harry's treatment and was expected to do nothing about it.

That full moon had been exhausting as it would be Remus' first one without wolfsbane, first one after changing into his wolf form, and the first one where Moony didn't hate him. Remus had been anxious and growly, but Harry had just told him to turn into Moony and go into the woods and he'll feel better. Remus had stayed like that all night running through the forest and even napping around 3 in the morning.

That morning after was also the first time Remus woke up with just am ache in his bones. No underlying pain. No inability to move. No nausea. Nothing. The end of September meant October which meant it was the month Harry, Remus, and Sirius would be mating. Which meant James and Lily were preparing to essentially give Harry away to their two best friends.

Harry had taken his potion twice, but since has been finding ways to avoid it completely much to everyone's displeasure.

"I don't like it. It slows my brain down." Harry said folding his arms across his chest

"It slows your thinking process to that of normal speed." Remus said, "and it calms your other symptoms."


"Find calms your other characteristics as well as will stop it from spreading."

"I took the potion that stops it from spreading, but I will not take the other two."

"Harry, come on you need to take your potions." James said

"No. It's weird. I don't like them."

"Harry." Harry took the potions bottled then threw them against the wall before he stormed out of the room

"Oh, look he is a teenager under all that maturity." Sirius joked getting glared from the other three adults, "What?"


"Hey, Harry?" Harry looked up from his schoolwork to see Ariel sitting down across from him, "can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"I know you know what I've been up to lately..." she said blushing as she looked around

"Eat at a buffet. Yes. I'm aware." Ariel blushed more and avoided his eyes

"Well, I've been sticking to a specific dish recently." Harry raised an eyebrow grinning, "and um...we're still sort of teaching each other."

"Right so what do you need from me?"

"Well, I want to ask her on a date, but I don't want mom and dad to see us. So, I was hoping Sirius and Remus could take this weekend Hogsmeade watch instead of mom and dad."

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