Chapter Sixteen

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"What you have was caused by severe head trauma that was left untreated. That has caused a reaction in your brain."

"How is that possible? Harry was treated immediately after he was hurt." James said

"The scans show it occurred in 1983 when Harry was three years old."

"Three years old? An untreated head injury at 3?"

"An untreated severe head trauma that probably should have killed him." Matthews said as he looked at the first scan when Harry was six, "It grew in size from six to now because it wasn't medicated."

"I don't remember much before the attack. I just remember it being dark all the time and I think I had a problem wetting the bed. I remember sitting in the wetness a lot."

"Charlie had a similar problem until he was four. Matthew's said it probably had something to do with your death and how it affected him."

"I had one for a while. I lost a lot of control over my body after the attack. I also wasn't able to be so independent back then either. I needed help with a lot."

"Do you know who you were with?" Matthews asked

"No. I don't remember the names. I hardly remember faces and when I do, I'm pretty sure I've made them up."

"Do you know why you weren't medicated?"

"Harry didn't even know he had brain damage." Remus cut in

"Papa has always been skeptical about magical illnesses, if they don't show up on muggle devices as a second opinion most of the time, he won't believe them. I don't know why because a muggle doctor told me I'd never walk again, and would-be wheelchair bound. Papa still has problems with that being a muggle himself."

"So, he didn't get you treated. Why didn't Cador do it?"

"The one thing us Omegas always have a say on is our cubs. We get the final say. So if I get pregnant before I'm ready I can have an abortion without any say from Sirius or Remus. I can get it done and they'd never know unless I told them."

"Really?" James asked, shocked, "even I get a say since I'm a pureblood."

"Doesn't matter in wolf culture. I can get my womb removed without them knowing as well. This is why a lot of alphas take their omegas to the healers, so they don't do stuff like that. And obviously I would never do that, so they have nothing to worry about."

"Right. So, Lincoln was it? Lincoln didn't get you treated because he didn't believe in magic." Harry rolled his eyes amused

"Sure. Go with that excuse. He's been better about it since my magic, but he has his moments. Father is usually straightening him out though."

"The medication I want you to take should calm some of the symptoms such as-"

"You know it's nice to know I'm not an asshole. I just figured I was an asshole who didn't care about other people's emotions. Turns out my brain is just damaged." The healer sighed heavily

"Should help with that." He said as he pinched his forehead

"Oh, you mean... yeah sorry. That just came out. No control over that."

"It should help with that and another potion should stop the spreading."

"So, can we talk about the whole...penis detachment now?"

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