Chapter Two

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It was almost a week later when a beautiful snowy owl landed upfront of James on the outdoor table with a small box tied to its leg.

"Whose owl is that?" Sirius asked

"What? me check." James had a feeling he knew exactly who sent the owl, especially when he untied the box, and it grew a few inches. On the box was the same handwriting that was on the letter a week ago. "It's just a business contact." James lied quickly standing and taking the box with him to his office where he opened it hastily.

Inside was a scroll of parchment with a seal on it that held a small, covered needle telling James it was a blood seal and would only open to someone of the same blood. Then there was a vial of blood and what looked to be a memory in a separate vial beside it. He took all three items out and laid them on his desk and looked at the last item in the box. A picture frame in the picture was a ton of adults, a few children, and a few teenagers, but in the middle of the group was a carbon copy of James as a 16-year-old. The background showed a forest and James thought he could see a cabin, but it was hard to tell and he didn't want to look away from the boy for too long to figure it out. He turned the frame around and saw the words 'The Idiots That Tried to Raise Me' on it and grinned, he was glad Harry had a ton of people around him that cared for him. He set the frame on his desk and grabbed the scroll first; he pricked his thumb after taking off the sterile cover letting his blood run down the needle. It was instantaneous, the seal fell off and the parchment unrolled showing a blood test without pictures and only names.

Harrison James Potter-Charlie Archer Potter-Ariel Lily Potter

Jameson Fleamont Potter-Lillian Rose Potter (nee Evans)

James stared at the parchment for a few minutes sitting down heavily in his chair. His son was alive if he were dead it would have shown the date of death. He ran a hand through his hair not sure how he would be breaking the news to his wife. A knock on the door drew his attention away and when he looked up, he saw Remus and Sirius entering the office. They closed the door behind them, and James knew they knew something was up since they knew he had lied to them earlier as Lily would have known had she been at the table and not in the garden.

"Well." Sirius said raising an eyebrow as James who refused to feel guilty, "we gave you a few minutes to yourself, but we want an- is that blood?" James quickly grabbed the blood before they could which only made them more suspicious.


"I'm handling it. I have to do this on my own." James told his two best friends

"Why? What's going on?" Remus asked, "Is it your blood? It smells...familiar somehow." James pressed his lips together then sighed

"You can't tell Lily...not yet...not until I have hard evidence. Not until I know for sure." James told them

"James you know you can trust us." Sirius said James opened his desk middle drawer and pulled out the first letter then places the family tree behind it and handed both items to Sirius. Remus read over his husband's shoulder and when they looked at the tree James saw them both tense before looking at James.

"Do you think-" Before Sirius could continue James showed him the photo, "bloody hell." Sirius sat down in a chair heavily, "Lily is going to kill us for keeping this from her you know, that right?"

"I am aware yes." James said fingering the vial of blood in his hands, "I just need to make sure that this is him. I'll ask to meet for lunch and you guys can be there hidden somewhere and if this is a trap least I tried."

"Okay. We've got your back Jamie...always. What do you need from us?"

"I have a blood test here, I asked Severus to brew one when I got the letter last week." James moved to his cabinet and pulled out the vial of white liquid then pulled out a plain roll of parchment. Sirius and Remus held each end down, so it laid flat as James mixed the blood and the blood test potion together then poured it on the parchment. It only took a few seconds before Harry's name and face were painted on the parchment and under that showed his parentage which was himself and Lily of course. His date of birth, his current age was listed as well on the parchment as well as his immediate family which was his brother and sister. It was true. His son was alive.

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