Chapter Six

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Harry got to the platform early so he could get a room to himself, it was all the way in the back and he quickly locked it so no one would try to sit with him. His heat had been worse than he had been prepared for due to his minimal nest at the new home and not having anything with his alpha's scents on it. Harry has been uptight ever since and he didn't know how to handle it. He paced the small room the entire ride to Hogwarts and if he wasn't pacing, he was sitting and bouncing his leg. When they finally arrived at Hogwarts, he pushed his way out of the train and into the first carriage he saw, his leg was jittery the entire ride to the school, but he didn't care. Hurrying out he ran inside the school and followed the students into the great hall, and he ran straight to Remus and Sirius who was talking with James and Lily at the head table. He grabbed both of his mates and dragged them to the side room before anyone could even speak Harry ripped opened Remus' shirt and hugged him snuggling into his bare chest. His tense muscles relaxed, but not completely making him let out a pitiful whine and reach Sirius pulling him up against his back.

"Your shirt Siri...he needs skin contact apparently. It just means he needs out scent and comfort." Remus told his mate as he pulled Harry to the couch, Sirius made quick work of his buttons and came over wrapping his arm around Harry. Harry shifted them so that Sirius and Remus sandwiched him between their bare chests letting his body relax completely now.

"What caused this?" Sirius asked

"My heat was horrible this month and I've been tense ever since it ended. My nest wasn't built properly, and it was poorly planned and then I forgot to get something with your scents on it. I didn't feel safe and I was paranoid, and it was horrible."

"Why didn't you have someone get you something."

"He was in heat Sirius; he was spending it in his nest which no one is supposed to know its location to. No one except the mate that is. If someone finds his nest, he has to move it, but if someone finds it during his heat it sets off this uncontrollable panic. A nest is a safe place for the omega and their Cubs and if someone finds it then the omega feels like they didn't find a safe place for their Cubs. Which is why they couldn't even if they wanted to." Remus explained just before a knock at the door had Remus craning to see James poking his head into the room.

"Everything okay?" James asked

"Yeah, you can come in, Harry just needs our scents and skin contact. His heat wasn't nice to him." James and Lily stepped up to the couch and looked down at Harry snuggling into Remus' chest.

"Do you need anything sweetie?" Lily asked

"No. I just need them for a few minutes. Their scents."

"I need a new shirt. Your son ripped mine." Remus said

"Sorry." Harry mumbled

"It's just a shirt." Remus shifted them slightly for a better position

"Are you serious?! When I rip your buttons, you go on a three-hour lecture about money and clothes, but he gets a four worded sentence?" Sirius said in fake outrage

"When you do it it's for completely different reasons," Remus told him

"He needed your scent, I needed your-"

"If you finish that sentence Sirius Orion Black, I swear I will murder you."

"It's not like Harry doesn't know we have sex, Remus."

"Stop talking you pop a hard-on like a teenager Sirius."

"He's very attentive, he likes to show his appreciation there's nothing wrong with that."

"You're almost 38 you shouldn't be popping hard-ons after seeing me shirtless. You should be out of that stage by now."

"Not my fault he likes you."

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