Chapter Four

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Remus had been preparing himself for Harry's scent, he didn't exactly know how to prepare himself as he didn't exactly know what he would smell like. He also didn't know if it would bother him at all as he has never been around an omega wolf before that didn't have scent blockers or their alphas scent on them. The day following Harry's first night here Remus relaxed as his scent didn't know other him it was hardly there actually. However, he hadn't been prepared to wake up in the dead of the night one night to a scent alarmingly similar to Sirius'. So similar in fact that the only difference was that this scent had traces of a fertile omega which told him it was Harry. Looking over at the calendar he realized it was 31st, which meant it was Harry's and Charlie's birthday, but for an omega wolf it also meant their alpha mate would be able to scent them out properly. Remus's eyes widen and he sat up when that revelation sunk in and what it meant. It also meant Harry knew.

Omegas could smell their mates before the alphas could smell them, it was a safety precaution so that the omega could stay close to their alpha who would have an unexplainable need to protect them. Usually, they would pass it off as them being an omega and until the omegas 17th birthday they wouldn't think twice about it. Harry knew Remus was his- wait... Sirius what Remus' mate. He frowned as he thought about that, does that mean Sirius is also Harry's mate or-

"I can hear you thinking in my sleep Moony." Sirius grumbled causing Remus to look at his husband, "why are you awake?"

"You don't smell anything?" Remus asked

"Smell anything? Remus, I swear to you I didn't fart this time."

"No that's not what I meant. Never mind. I woke up and can't fall back to sleep." Sirius hummed sleepily; Remus only had to wait a few seconds before he was asleep again. He got out of the bed and put on a robe tying it at the waist before leaving his bedroom to head down to the kitchens before he could reach his destination, he heard voices coming from the living room and headed there. Harry was kneeling upfront of the fireplace speaking to someone.

"But father, please... I can't stay here. They're going to hate me."

"Harry no one is going to hate you. You can't control these things."

"But they're married, I can't come between a married couple father. It's wrong. I'll be called a homewrecker for the rest of my life." Cador laughed without a care that it was currently four in the morning Italy time, three here in England.

"You won't be called a homewrecker. Harry."

"But what will James say?!"

"He'll probably be glad that his best friends will be tasked with taking his omegas son's virginity."

"Father!" Cador laughed

"I'm kidding. It'll take some time for everyone Harry, but if he really loves you then he'll accept it. There's nothing to be done. Your mates are your mated Harry, I know you think you'll ruin their marriage, but you won't. It'll take time for all of you to even be comfortable with the idea, let alone start acting like a couple. You won't be laying in their bed tomorrow Harry. Give it time. He will notice your scent no matter what you do, might as well accept it now. And besides weren't you just blushing about how cute they were a few days ago?"

"No." Harry said tensely, "I don't remember doing anything of the sort."

"Must have been my other omega son- Oh wait I don't have another son."

"You must have dreamt it." Harry told him, "I'll see you when they either kick me out, I run away, or when I come back in a few years after going to another country and changing my identity."

"You are such a drama queen. I'll see you in a week and a half. Have fun today okay? It's your birthday, they probably won't say anything until tomorrow for that reason."

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