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(this comes from the sequel The Truth Discovered)

When I wrote my very first draft of "The Truth Untold" many years ago I had no idea I would rewrite it three different times then finally start publishing it on its fourth complete rewrite. I write drafts all the time, I don't publish my works and so publishing this story was very new to me and I have loved the experience.

However, I listened to a few of my friends I confided in who read fanfics and I took this story to a completely different path than what I ever intended for it go. I think somewhere around Chapter Twenty of the first story I lost my vision, and I disregarded my outlines.

My friends encouraged me to do so many things and I listened and by doing that I lost my story. I lost my characters, my original arcs, my original plot, and all of the little details that made me want to rewrite this story so many times and publish it.

I'm sure my writing has reflected my lost of vision and direction and inspiration. Due to me listening to people I've lost a story that I was once so proud to share and so excited to keep writing. These last few months have been extremely hard as I tried to write these last few chapters but I have no direction for this story. I have no way to end it.

For the ones who have read this story and have stuck with it I love you and appreciate you and I am so sorry I let others voices lead me to this path. I am so sorry for being one of the many writers who have to write this Authors Note telling you this story if officially abandoned. 💔

For my translators I am so sorry for making you go through this and making your own readers go through this. I never wanted to be an author who abandoned her work but this story makes me lose so much inspiration for writing all together which I can not lose.

On a brighter note I have been rewriting this story with its original chapter templates and outlines. I'm on Chapter Five of the draft and I am falling back in love with it. If you would like I can start publishing it with a different title and cover art so it's easier to distinguish. If you have lost faith and trust in my writing I completely understand. I have lost faith and trust in myself.

As much as I would love to say I will save this story I honestly don't think I can. I will keep it up and put warnings in both storied.

I can not leave the idea of this story alone however. I never could and now I am finally willing to admit this is not what I wanted I am able to write it the way it was meant to be.


I am so sorry I have brought you along this two year journey just to abandoned it when it's almost finished. I am so sorry I forced myself to keep writing even though I no longer saw my end goal. I am so sorry that this is the first story you got from me and it turned out like this.

I hope to do right by each and every one of you faithful readers with this new story , even if it remains in my drafts.

Thank you so much for all of your kind words and understanding through the last two years.



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