Chapter Ten

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Harry stood upfront of his mirror as he fixed his suit jacket. He had looked in his closet for all of thirty minutes before he left to go shopping and had been out all day buying everything except a nice outfit until he got to the last store. The dress code was casual-elegant, so Harry made sure to go just a step higher and he knew the water got colder faster so dressed as warmly as fashionably allowed while also allowing him to steal one of his mates' jackets. Because he'll conveniently forget his.

"Hey, Harry it's 5:30." Sirius said knocking at the door

"I still have thirty minutes to admire myself." Harry called out grinning as he grabbed some chap stick tubes, "besides the ship doesn't depart until 8."

"We want to get there early don't we?" Sirius said as Harry walked to the door and pulled his bathrobe over himself and tried it hiding his outfit as he opened the door.

"Which chap stick would you like to kiss me with? Strawberry, Watermelon, Passion Fruit, or no flavor?" Harry asked holding up the tubes, James' laugh could be heard in the background.

"I don't remember saying we would kiss you." Sirius said blushing

"Which flavor would you like to kiss me with tonight?" Harry asked again

"Remus?" Remus looked up from his book he was reading about alphas and what will change when mated that Harry got him today. He got up off the couch, came towards them, took a chap stick, and opened it up to smell it. He smelt each one going back and forth between passionfruit and watermelon.

"Which one do you like more Pads?" Remus asked making Sirius's eyes widen, "What? It's a kiss, Sirius. He's waited long enough for one don't you think?"

"Well, we don't need to announce it upfront of his parents." Sirius said looking at James and Lily who was watching them.

"Trying to hide things already Sirius?" James teased

"Would you prefer me to announce my plans with your son tonight James?"

"No. Not really. I'm good with picturing a small, tiny peck on the lips for the rest of my life."

"See. James doesn't want to know." Sirius took the two chap stick tubes and smelled them thoughtfully.

"Passionfruit I think."

"Passionfruit it is." Harry took his chopsticks back and closed his bedroom door locking it before heading to the mirror as he pulled off the robe. He finished last-minute touch-ups only a few minutes later then slipped on his shoes and headed for the door. He wasn't expecting Sirius to fall over on his back when he opened the door, Harry could have stopped it, but it was quite funny watching his arms fly out and his body fall on his floor.

"A little warning next time before you open the door would be great." Sirius said from the floor as he rubbed his head

"Didn't your father ever tell you not to lean on the bedroom door of your intended?"

"Shut up." Sirius said pushing onto his elbows only for his eyes to widen as he did a thorough once over, "no... absolutely not. Go change."

"No." Harry said stepped over him to walk out of his room, Remus looked him over with wide eyes as well making Harry smirk.

"I'm with Sirius on this one you should change into something less... fitted."

"Nope. Not happening." Harry said walking up to him to fix the lapel of his tweed jacket, "do you ever wear anything, not tweed?"

"Not if I can help it." Remus said as he wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his temple. He looked behind Harry to Sirius, "Sirius." Harry turned to see Sirius' eyes quickly dart up

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