Chapter Eighteen

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 "Yay or Nay?" Harry asked holding up a sheer white Marabou robe towards Ariel

"Definitely yay but get a black one too." Harry added the white and a black robe to the ever-growing rack that held many things Harry was buying for the trip tomorrow.

"Are you nervous?"


"Not even a little bit?"

"No. I'm fine. I'm excited actually. I'm mating tomorrow. I get a bit more freedom and I will belong to the two most perfect mates possible. And we will finally be able to find out what Sirius will become."

"You still think he'll be an alpha?"

"Definitely. Sirius' canine animagus should help as well."

"Would he get a rut?"

"Hopefully. Hopefully, he doesn't like up with Remus' because that would be terrible. I'm hoping he will start this month after mating or November. I won't be able to handle two ruts in December as well as my heat. That's too much sex even for me."

"I can't believe you are going to Greece just to lose tour virginity. I lost my virginity in a Hufflepuff dorm room a few weeks before school let out last year."

"Well, them is essentially werewolf marriage. This is me getting married without paper and rings."

"Well...not the type of ring that goes on your finger." Charlie said smirking

"I told you guys it's not for that reason, it's mandatory. I'm not allowed to finish until I'm completely mated."

"I can't believe that's a thing." Charlie said shaking his head

"Don't worry Remus and Sirius are even less happy about it. Tomorrow is me proving to them I can and will be the best omega they will ever find. Meaning I am to serve them anything they want. Including sexual acts where I don't get off. Which reminds me, Charlie, I need to talk to about something."


Harry walked into the family's suite and set his bags down before staring at James with his arms folded.

"Can I help you Harry?" James asked

"You know maybe if you worried about Charlie's sex life like you've been worried about mine then perhaps, he would know more about female anatomy." Harry said with a shrug

"Harry there's a difference between you and Charlie-"

"You're right there is. Charlie is having sex with anyone who spreads their legs without knowing anything about their anatomy and sex health and it's fine, its natural. While I, a legal adult in a committed long-term relationship who is essentially getting married tomorrow in wolf culture am not allowed. I give my permanent lifelong mate a blowie in the privacy of a locked bathroom door that you broke down and it's the end of the world. Why am I getting treated like a child while your underage daughter is having sex without a single word from you." Harry snapped glaring at James and Lily

"It's different." Lily said standing up, "you're not them... they are being teenagers they're exploring and having fun-"

"I was having fun." They winced but Harry didn't care, it's been over a week with Harry sleeping separated from his mates all because James decided to break into the bathroom in Harry's private rooms.

Harry had been giving Sirius a blowjob when James had literally broken down his door all because they hadn't been answering his shouts considering they had silencing charms up. James had stared at them in shock before telling them he would be outside and when they exited the room he was pacing while Lily sat on the loveseat. They had both started yelling at Harry, which hadn't sat right with Remus or Sirius, so they had jumped in and so a shouting match had begun.
The relationship between the best friends was still rocky. Sirius and Remus obviously didn't feel like what they were doing was a big deal while James and Lily acted like it was the worst thing to have happened. James hadn't let Harry sleep in their bed since the bath and went so far as to set an alarm that went off anytime Harry tried to remove it or leave the room. While that happened Charlie had been caught having sex in the middle of the night by Professor Snape and all he got was a lecture from James to ''just do it in the dorms next time''. Harry had been livid, rightfully so and had confronted James about it. He had been brushed aside claiming to be too tired and since has dismissed Harry every time Harry has tried to talk to him about it.

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